Autumn Leaves

My 54th year started off well, with the golden shades of autumn painting the landscape with its magic. The winds weren't too fierce and the chill not too severe. The sun rose in all its splendor on the morning of my 54th anniversary in the world. I was treated to a special breakfast and showered with gifts and love, it was possibly one of the best birthdays in my entire adulthood, the frosting on the cake of life would have been to have all my children and loved ones present. As you get older birthdays no longer hold the special magic that they did when you were a child, the feeling of sparkly anticipation in your gut. It becomes just another day and the magic is lost. But this year felt quite special, and I woke up feeling rejuvenated. And last night I lay in bed, writing in my head. I wondered whether I should get up and put pen to paper, but then thought I would remember all the ideas in the morning and get them d...