

Neil: Peek a boo 2 u and have a goodly day πŸ§ΉπŸŒπŸ’–πŸ‘»πŸŽΆπŸ˜·




Neil: You've been a busy🐝just luv the new dawn ( looks to b sun rise) wouldn't 🐝surprized 2 see a witch🧹or 2 buzzing around your Forest at duskπŸ’ͺπŸ‘„πŸ¦ΎπŸ™ˆπŸŒΉ☮️πŸ€£πŸ’–

Hi honey tough day at the hoffice or what. Luv the duck , does she fetch slippers as well.

‎Guess what you need a pint or 2 of beer loved the voice over Empathy goes a long way even if they pay but a token of the day


Cally: Im having a good cup of coffee with a splash of liqueur ☕️🍸


Neil: But 41years b +-14965 days a whole life time according 2 the insurance co. Average a miserable 27000 days (Wow) Denise gets them all 🀩 hope she b happy



Neil: Yep the season b upon as - yesterday ( newly arrived holiday makers×6 ) held up at gun point tied 2 the kitchen chair in daylight and a case of take everything including the families Transport that was last seen filling up @ the local gas station e he tata ma zonke - National mantra.

Exciting or what ☮️


Cally : Hey tata ma chance πŸ˜‚. When will the vaalies ever learn. It happens every year.  Shame theyve probably saved up all year and been frustrated by the lockdown and now they’ve lost alles met balles

Neil: Guys giving a speech@ 8 2 nite e's gonna close pubs and restaurants can't wait 2πŸ‘‚


Cally: Oh no. Better go buy some beer quickly


Neil: A good old Apartheid? Brainwashing skiet  wot a flop as half the blacks have PhD 's @ this point  being apolitical is 1 thing being affected by their SH1T another. So we remain unaffected or what ?


Cally: Bunch of PhDs right there 🀣


Neil: Don’t cha luv it (why they the whites all got so fat like they inherited charka Zulus fat wife gene ) c them on this beach - not beautiful people 2 look @ anyways

‎U must hear the Nigerians eh / half our cabinet bought their degrees from----πŸ†—bazaars🍌🦍🀣

Pic of edie on horse


Neil: Carol that really really was so cool ---When I ran that little animal farm I had so many friends eh from the little farabelle ponies that came just above the knee in ht.2 the lama (Nushka) I let her out the pen @ night 2 crop on tree leaves But it drove the cows mad and in the morning they had physi bust out of there pens ha my soul getting corrupt in this place no mind no worries luv ya hone bun


Cally : That is so cool. Where did you run an animal place.

You must have loved it


Neil: End of 99 2 end of 2002 they built the casino on the farms site(The children's animal farm)πŸŽΆπŸ‡πŸŽπŸ₯

Cally : Which casino?  On the coast



Neil: The Land grab tickle 1.15 hrs 2 afternoon & so a Jolly tae ya πŸ’ŒπŸ•΅πŸΏ‍♀️πŸ‘’πŸŽ©

‎The bill for the expropriation of land has been published in the National Gazette for comment. Interestingly, it was done with no announcement, in the quiet, and just before Christmas.

Please share far and wide, to ensure maximum reach and awareness.

Only 60 days for comments. Please send to all you know.


Oui (hot rats - Frank Zapper) worth a Li's ten But buy God hot rats indeed Friend of mine Paul had a rat & rode a motor cycle wid dis ting popping out his collar & sleeves another breed them for the bird park CT. Snakes & dem little fellas don't mix met me tea . stay cool keep warm


Cally: I recorded my displeasure of the expropriation if land. Theiving bastards


Neil: Yep 6×1 1× half a dozen eh🏞️


Cally: I get all those emails so i object to everything πŸ˜‚

Cally : Children are just so sweet and they know what want


Neil: Oh well happiness b they only. Sent the Eastern🚨 Cape back !2 level 4 πŸ„πŸ§š‍♂️Hows your Hospital records doing eh πŸš‘all controlled under /under controlπŸ’’ πŸ•️☀️🌹



Neil: Some might have read this already but thought others might want to as well. For those of our friends and neighbours for whom this ‘shoe’ will NOT fit, you obviously have thought it   through further and this is not meant to upset anyone nor step on any toes. Just sharing what was in the Mercury


 This was a reply to an article, in the Mercury

(last week), where the previously disadvantaged

(Blacks) stated that it's not too late for the

previously advantaged (including whites, Indians

and Coloureds) to apologize for apartheid. Check

out the reply. Just too hot and so true.

This was in the SA paper last week (Mercury). The main headline stated the following:

It's not too late for whites to say sorry for Apartheid.............

Check the email that went around responding to

the headline. It's a kick ass response. The guy that wrote it has got it!!!


'To the Previously Disadvantaged'

We are sorry that our ancestors were intelligent, advanced and

daring enough to explore the wild oceans to discover new countries

and develop them.

We are sorry that those who came before us took you out of the

bush and taught you that there was more to life than beating drums,

killing each other and chasing animals with sticks and stones.

We are sorry that they planned, funded and developed roads,

towns, mines, factories, airports and harbours, all of which you now

claim to be your long deprived inheritance giving you every right to

change and rename these at your discretion.

We are sorry that our parents taught us the value of small but

strong families, to not breed like rabbits and end up as underfed,

diseased, illiterate shack dwellers living in poverty.

We are sorry that when the evil apartheid government provided

you with schools, you decided they'd look better without windows

or in piles of ashes.

We happily gave up those bad days of getting spanked in our all

white Schools for doing something wrong, and much prefer these

days of freedom where problems can be resolved with knives and guns.

We are sorry that it is hard to shake off the bitterness of the

past when you keep on raping, torturing and killing our friends and

family members, and then hide behind the fence of 'human rights'

with smiles on your faces.

We are sorry that we do not trust the government... We have no

reason to be so suspicious because none of these poor "hard working

intellectuals" have ever been involved in any form of "corruption or


We are sorry that we do not trust the police force and, even

though they have openly admitted that they have lost the war against crime

and criminals, we should not be negative and just ignore their

corruption and carry on hoping for the best.

We are sorry that it is more important to you to have players of

colour in our national teams than winning games and promoting


We know that sponsorship doesn't depend on a team's success.

We are sorry that our border posts have been flung open and now

left you competing for jobs against illegal immigrants from our

beautiful neighbouring countries.

All of them countries that have grown into economic powerhouses

after kicking out the 'settlers'.

We are sorry that we don't believe in witchcraft, beet root and

garlic cures, urinating on street corners, virginity testing, slaughtering

of bulls in our back yards, trading women for cattle and other

barbaric practices.

Maybe we just grew up differently.

We are sorry that your medical care, water supplies, roads,

railways and electricity supplies are going down the toilet because

skilled people who could have planned for and resolved these issues

had to be thrown away because they were of the wrong ethnic

background and now have to work in foreign countries where their

skills are highly appreciated.

We are so sorry that we'd like this country to fulfil its potential so

we can once again be proud South Africans.

The Previously Advantaged.


Cally : Very good. I couldnt have said it better. The shoe fits them perfectly πŸ‘ž


Neil: Haha top the day 2 u me dear I once emailed my resume .Then phoned 2 confirm The honey assured me , that she had received it 6 times and knot 2 worry

Neil drawing


Cally : Those are really good. Amazing imagination and art work.


Neil: Was thinking u really need time on your hands eh ( like a lock down during a pandemic or what


Cally: Yea true. Thats why ive been doing so much painting. But now im waiting for more canvas and paints.

The housing company was going to come and put a radiator in my flat which I requested in January and they keep putting it off because of lockdown and now they say i have to wait until after xmas. A whole bloody year and just now it will be summer again and then they have a backlog


I think Gemma is teaching you a lot of dutch. 😊


Neil: I'm not really a linguist got sum cradle Zulu I don't even understand Afrikaans when they talk fast.I like the puddie cat 🀩☘️🌲πŸ”₯ can't u get hold of a portable heater.   Had a paraffin' heater,once in the Cape worked well πŸ”₯♨️


Cally : Well i do have radiators everywhere.  Its just at my front door where it gets so cold that mold starts growing on the wall. The rest of the place is nice and warm so not a big problem. Just dont want mold.


Neil: Ah ha why don't u try wiping with a viniger or bleached soaked cloth πŸ‘»πŸ˜· it works 4 me (Bleach is banned in this block - French drains / tanks.)yep u surely don't want 2 b wearing your πŸ‘’s around the house πŸ‘‘πŸ˜‚πŸ‘»πŸ‘♨️


Cally : Thanks i will give it a try πŸ‘




Neil: Sow πŸ’–2 day 6 Dec b St Nichalous's Day especially Southern part of the Netherlands and where ever else there Catholics b in Europe Thing is Spain ruled those parts 4 hundreds of yrs.& old habits die hard (the other ting b)         St Nichalous can no longer b assisted by "black Peter"


Cally : Thats cool.  Happy sunday to you too. Did you go down to the car wash today?


Neil: Nope


Cally: I went to my daughter for supper last night and my grandson insisted that i have some dube with him. Just two puffs and i was totally out of it. It was so strong i had to come home and go to bed. Im too old for that shit πŸ’¨

Neil: Oui u get so many strains of cannabis (whats  indigenous here b savita is dp. Indoor b mostly indica (note its  not a narcotic) it's not supposed 2 put u 2 sleep , but cool & relaxed ya Sooo cool / they mix all sorts of sh1t with it including mx


Cally : Well i hope there was nothing mixed. Before in SA if i ever had any it was always mixed with tobacco so not so strong. But i only ever had it about once every five years


Neil: Oh it finally made it , making comments or 2 🎢🀩Ive got 2 clean this phone , its becoming an old manπŸ¦ŒπŸ§‘‍🦯

Non addictive herb unlike tobacco Africans supposedly communicate with their ancestors ( but they never had tobacco till the Europeans arrived

Pic neils weed


Cally : WTF is that yours?  Growing wild in the back yard πŸ€ͺ

My grandson doesnt believe how easily it grows in the back yard


Neil: Takes sum strains as little as 5 months 2 harvest.   Bear🧸in mind the Africans cover the hills with it One of the reasons he needs so many wives eh


Cally : Haha thats true. Well it looks good and healthy


Neil: Yep ya got 2 select your spiritual moment luv ya


Cally : Too many politi correct people in the world


Neil: Not worth troubling ones head  at best




Cally : A glimpse into family life.   Granddaughter Edie, son in law Rowan, Samantha and Son Trav


Neil: The Lady Samanther & er crew , sshew I noticed previously that they're luvley tall trees or what , your ous looks 2 b very cosy ( did your central heater get sorted . Oui so hot this day ☃️could do a snowwoman right now




Cally: Hi. Theyre coming to do the heating on Friday so all good.   Yip my kids are Very tall 🌲


Neil: And happy is what really counts eh luv ya


Cally: Yea everybody happy. I hope you are as well 😊😍


Neil: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ§Άgoing 2 sort a cold shower


Cally: A cold shower 🚿. Eek its 2 degrees here


07/12/2020, 4:26:47 pm Neil: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯😎πŸ”₯build that fire + 2 kg rump 4 me this mince frozen veg as fast and furious as the cooker allows 2 morrow slow cook 4 3 days stay warm& cool.  Night 🎠


Cally: Night night


Neil: Throwing the towl so soon must have been a hectic day 4 you Just loved All those nauughty family faces Yea Mon get sum rest going 2 b watching NetFlix4 +


Neil: Yes Sam was really a pretty little girl But with big foots eh - (Taurus) So happy 2 see it seems what she lost her daughter gained eh I'd say miss Edie has a lot of you as well ( What ever happened 2 Dealy?Michael.They all look happy must b your presence eh Travis not looking stressed or any thang just pretending 2 b introverted or what . Samantha’s son on a date cool.  Well you may b a feeling the chill chappie  but I sense you're happy weird eh Rowan like Lynne's son who arrived @ marina with me 1 season anyway Sam's smile made the difference .Dream scapes here we come


Cally : Michael Dely remarried a Scottish woman and she died an alcoholic a few years after my second husband died. He is now living in scotland and we are still friends. I go up and visit once every two years or so but phone him regularly cos he has nobody but his carers. He also turned to drink and lost a leg 🦡 because of it.


Neil: Sh1t the poor man oui The Romans loved their grog and conquered their know World ( Their message drink 2 eat & feast) apply that simple rule and you will b taking wee drams into your nineties Alcohol serves no other purpose - a stupid substance that can cause a lot of unwanted misery eh Merry Christmas and many much loveπŸ”₯πŸ’–






Neil: Yep the eight orifice  there have been very high incedeces of Gender  Based Violence here enough 2 make every ones Great Grand Mumsie cry πŸ’§πŸ’¦ e Africa ... So 🐿️🐿️ how's your day been?/- A friend of mines eight yr old got Taken out by a πŸš—@ the. Car wash yesterday The Father a Joeburg Coloured & the Mother a luvley Pondo Woman πŸŽ‘Thought I'd share that wi th  u πŸ”ƒπŸ”ΌπŸ”½◀️


Cally : Shame Thats very sad. So young to pass away poor angel πŸ‘Ό

Yip evwn here there are so many incidences if violence against women. And it just got worse during lockdown


Neil: Had 1 called him Borris after the tennis player ( this guy should b holding the 🏸with his foot

Cally : Oh shame. How old was she.


Neil: From the local chat - was such a well spoken & mannered little guy - Is daddy worked on my soon t.b.scrapped Honda .

We will be placing the cross in memory of Michelle Wednesday evening at quater past five. It will be opposite the Gas Mart Centrum. By the bustop

Bianca husband made the cross its a great loss for all who knew little M and her parents please if you can support them as flowers and ribbons are welcome to make it special.


Cally : Thats very sad. Hope it all goes well


Neil: Its been promised we are born 2 die (so let's count our blessings & live a little


Cally: Exactly πŸŒΊπŸ’

Neil pen drawing


Cally : Ah yes thats clever. What pens are you using?


Neil: Just Ioved that very very festive ( ballpoint pencil crayon & magic marker

Here b sum local flavour especially the big toes eh - luv ya stay well & warm🀑πŸ”₯🐿️⛄


Foot picture



‎photo of old ancestors?


Cally : They’re very nice looking. Where did you get the photo from ?



Neil: Fill u in Later ,Our mums dad immigrated out here from Ireland ??


Cally: Well thats what we were told but i think he was born in SA and his dad was from Ireland


Neil: Yea your our Grand da Mums dad I seem 2 have an idea Cyril Blake's country of Origin was Ireland on her death certificate.I'll get around 2 home affairs sooner or later . So how's the day been ☀️☁️🌍🐧🎢🐿️

Neil: Goes 2 show how much we were meant to know ---- just expressing eh Can't remember the last time in a restaurant - but in the bad old days I never ordered steak even then 4 me a waste of money as they never got it right & u could get ×3 4 the same price at a butcher - b joining the sausage dog in a moment nightπŸšΌπŸ’€


Cally: We will have to go out for dinner when i come and see you   Sleep well xxx




Neil: What's New 🎈🧚‍♂️πŸŽ„πŸ€©πŸŒπŸŽΆ


Cally: Thats cool. Im good thanks. Thankfully my work week is over and tomorrow i can sleep in yay πŸ˜€.  Did you have a good day? 



 Neil: πŸŽΆπŸ’€dont b sleeping it all away hay 🀫☯️πŸ’Ÿ☮️🐸

Cally: Well i didn’t lie in bed all day. Ive been very busy cleaning and doing washing so haven’t totally wasted the day. Only thing about winter in this place is that it gets light so late and bY 4pm you have to switch the lights on again


Neil: Good golly miss Molly - thing b in the Cape I put me head down not b 4 11.30 Up by 7.30 work by 8.3o Natal 75% heads down by 9.30 yep geography at work or what luv ya πŸ’–✴️πŸŽ„πŸŽΆπŸ§š‍♂️πŸ‘»

My sketch of castle on the hill


Cally : Yea im getting bored again

Neil: Well I luv your geography eh & the sail boat Sailing one of our most academic Sports


Cally : Whenever I draw a hill i always seem to put a castle on it. I wonder why πŸ˜‚. And every time i draw a beach it always looks like centre rocks


Neil: Yea I c more colour= life   & I always loved castles especially on high cliffs looking out 2 sea with secerete entrances at c level eh🏴‍


Neil: Hi what's happening. When no thang b happening πŸ”₯πŸžπŸŽΆπŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ§š‍♂️πŸŽ„


Cally: Thats almost like our family. Nothing be happening here. Nothing doing today. Watching a movie .  Is Gemma’s family big?




Neil: yep they're Catholic but not so many much .Historic note -- There were more people after the 2nd World war than B4 Am azing or what . had a Splendid dae ave we . The heavens broke just now and we ad a torrent of rain + 4 hrs load shedding / lunch & Dinner.   Ya so how do ya do it wid 5 wives eh all in da bath RM


Cally : Yea my day has been good. My son just dropped in for supper and brought some fruit loaf for puds πŸ˜‹. So its good that ive had some company other wise my four day weekend becomes quite depressing.


Neil: Bad news - depressing produces toxins of bad intent good man your Travis being an uplifting moment πŸ’–ya & your sailboat & mountains especially once coloured eh 🎨16th b the car wash blues again

whatever watched a 2 hr skiet on Netflix / no rain now just a chorus of πŸ¦—πŸ¦Ÿcrickets & tings stings ehπŸ₯


Cally: Yea Trav is a good young man. What did you watch on Netflix?  I need recommendations


Neil: Gemma a middle person elder sister brother eldest & younger broer(person eh don't think she ever b a child)πŸ¦—πŸŽΆπŸš¨Better get started lots 2 dream eh πŸ˜…πŸ›ŒπŸ’ πŸ’€


Cally: Shit thats a lot of bottles.   Remember all moms gin bottles that she tried to build something with in the garden. She never finished it


Neil: Na twas a bird bath actually worked 4 a while What a woman eh luv ya


Cally : Yep she was quite a woman πŸ₯°


Neil: Gin could walk across hot coals & not feel a thing juniper πŸ‡berries caused more than Half of London into alcoholism in the late 1700 early 1800s especially the Ladies ehπŸ’πŸŽ„πŸ€©πŸŒ 


Cally: The women here still drink gin like its cold drink




Neil: tae y'all 🎩 all again it 🐝.Off 4 a G & T are we ? yep still. Fashionable in sum circles eh . The lush tonic  produced more lushes than any other. Its not bad at all (never liked the perfume smell though.)πŸ₯€The Dutch have a drink made from the juniper πŸ’ berry as well they call Jevnevenr nice its +-37% proof. Yes The thing b these πŸ₯ƒwere not designed for sunny climates especially mixed with coke 🀩🀣πŸ₯€⛄πŸ’–





Cally : I really miss the beach and the dunes and the warm ocean 🌊


Neil: Big Dady has told his children how 2 behave and has explained all the demerits they've accumulated and the punishments 2 instilled but otherwise fair go 🎑without the fair


Cally: That president is not a big daddy. Hes a bloody lying crooked bastard


Neil: Bottle stores Mon - Thursdays 10 to 6


Cally: Is this the new ramaphosa rule?


Neil: Yep all public holidays will have All public facilities closed including  beaches


Cally : Beaches??  Thats bloody ridiculous. And this all because of covid?


Neil: It would seem our curly haired couzies at Truely misbehaved Imagine Soweto  arriving at your beach.  Night sweet my pie U b working 2 morrow πŸš‘?


Cally: Yip working tomorrow. Managed a but of painting today πŸ–Ό.

So there will be no overcrowded beaches on new year’s eve and Christmas. What a relief πŸ˜…

Sleep tight




Neil: Good day tae y'all all 🎩beaches will b closed 4 public holidays - while pot holes remain open


Cally: Have a tranquil day


Neil:   How'ya doing Ms ?) Not upside down and inside out (TINA TURNER) 🎢shes 84 now still sprite .  Car wash 2 morrow


Cally: Im fine thanks. How are you? You never say.   How often do you go to the car ash?  Does Gemma also go?


Neil: Hi ya Carol me Sister darling. @ the moment no parking fines no speeding either. πŸ‘πŸ’– . No ⚖️πŸ’°9 or 18 ctπŸ’Ž πŸ’Έeither but work hard 2 keep me health & heat up 2 grade & sum Times couldn't give a continental tickey


Cally: I suppose thats the way to be. My new motto for the troubles in the world and all the ugly selfish people is “i dont care”. I just push the crap to one side and get on with doing what makes me happy and my mind at ease 🎨


Neil: I Truely believe in mother Gia eh ( B a friend and survivor ) and Dear oh dear u do not want 2 b the sole surviour eh.  Luv ya


Cally: No i dont want to be the sole survivor 🀣. I keep meaning to listen to the Gia documentaries but somehow always get side tracked.




Neil: Morning sleepie pie.  Top o the dae tae y'all  what the weather is. Ha The organisers of the car wash concert will b going ahead 2 day , we might hear sirens added 2 the mix


Cally: Morning sunshine 🌞. Why would the cops stop the gig. Its not a public holiday?  Well i hope it turns out to be a mighty fine day.


How was the car wash today. Did the blue lights appear


Neil: They just played jingle bells 4 you πŸ›Ž️ No worries. All πŸ†’ & happy πŸ’–


Cally: Thats good as long as it was a chill day




Cally: G morning


Neil: Here we share sum picture grams from the exciting zodiac reading , Now u know as much as I do.


Cally: So do you feel like a Libra ♎️ or do you think its totally wrong


Neil: No Thang b Wrong with Libra πŸ¦€eh just people who try & use it 2 abuse or what Justice is about being fair and not what u want or  get out my face, because you're in my way.  So wat seg jy eh?


: We are tiny little specs floating out in space


Neil: Did I ever tell u that I love  you u. God that's so profound your sticker that is.   Sh1 t  simple english me message was supposed 2 say " Now you know as much as I do ( guess what it change english  into eng lush ( please hold)


Cally: 🀣🀣🀣 yeah this language is lush lol. Dont worry i knew what you mean   People walk all over Librabs cos they are always trying to be fair to everyone else.


Neil: Sum of those specs emitting intelligence signals others laundry lists.   Yea Libra can also b a toxic air sign.


How b our Big Sis eh , Her daughter b married already 2 a young Hole y Man or what Well she b in my heart & I luv her 2 πŸ’Ÿ✝️☮️


 ally: Yea our big sis is doing okay but not communicating much lately. Shes funny like that. Sometime she will phone me in the middle of the night just for a chat and other times i go weeks waiting for her to answer my messages.


Neil: 🏎️🏁the only Race b human race & momsie Gia🌏 say πŸ†’ but stop all the other SH1T stay @ the same time πŸ’–luv ya


Cally: You know with all the hardships and shit that you have been dished up in life, its really a prayer answered that you have still managed to keep your head when all others are losing theirs.    Unfortunately Denny holds on to hurts for a long time even though she forgives easily. I think it has something to do with her marriage and her husband’s unfaithfulness and the fact maybe that her and Mom were never really close. I dont know.  But i love you and im proud of you. You are truly an overcomer πŸ’œ


Neil: Ms  me Darling Denny b me Sister eh / like u b free 2 make her choices & ya your prayer ( not on your knees @ night - but at least an hr before the birds awaken ) find the time 4 his Name .& empty your heart b it he or her


C here I said (His Name) but I would b implying a Patriarchal Religion eh!  Should have said The Name whos 2 say eh  , but it helps when u find the right Time 2 give thanks - luv ya


Cally: Love you too





Cally: I really dont understand the reasoning behind the beach ban


Neil: Not as a Caucasian ? But imagine 5 bus loads pulling into Marina 4'the day


Cally: From that point of view its a good decision


Neil: Worth a fine push the shove There's just so much of this kacairos going around


Cally: Well i drink a lot of hot coffee all day long ☕️


Neil: Thought as much eh you're in the land of Tea drinking Lords oui never mind me Lordship where's me cuppa  tea


Cally: I think its going to snow soon


Neil: Been dreaming of a white Christmas have you ( wonder if that's politi correct⛄⛄


Cally: Just as well there isnt too much snow in SA otherwise that would also be illegal πŸ˜‚





Neil: Say what you want our Nig Nog's have their verry berry own style (if they could only get the Job dun eh)🚌🎹😎


Cally: Thats true.




Neil: Night sweetie pie πŸ’€we'll break our jaws🦈again 2 morrow with laughter ehπŸ˜ŽπŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ”₯⛄πŸ’–


Top of the day tae all the honey buns ☀️so far clear skies wind starting russtle


Cally: Good morning to you. Whats the situation down your way. I heard there are gun toting nigas preventing people going to the beach down in the cape?


Neil: C here as the man says - Ruling party has an excuse 2 party with forbidden buttons and invented ones.Here b a conundrum πŸ₯  Stats 4 covid 19 at +- 22000 deaths - currently . But the overall death rate 4 the year is - guess what?  πŸ“‰is Down by☠️🀑 22000 deaths as😷 compared 2 last year kinda smelly or what πŸ’§Tragic thing though Gender ☯️ based violence up + 25% from last year πŸ’–stay warm & safe ☮️🀩

Cally: Thats sad. The gender violence is also way up here as well as suicide, especially among the younger generation. There is something smelly going on im sure. None of our staff at the doctors surgery has been infected which is very strange??

Thats awesome. And yeah until Captain Morgan puts his foot down i wont stop drinking rum 🍹

Yea i love rum. Dont mind a beer now and then. We have an indian beer here called Cobra that goes so nice with a good curry πŸ›

But i also dont like to be out of control


Neil: What happens when he drinks the sanitiser

Yep it take all sorts πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ­πŸ¦ƒ

And now it b past me bedtime - stay cosy & warm πŸ”₯πŸͺ✨☃️❤️

I think there a full team of pixies and dwarfs wacking these things out 24/7


Cally: I tend to agree with you.

Sleep tight 😴


 22/12/2020, Neil: All we saw here was bush + a big cloud blanket❤️πŸ—Ώ✝️πŸ”₯🀑So have a mighty fine day πŸ‘




Cally: Those pics are awesome. Have a good day. Im off to work xx

Thats a good one πŸ‘πŸ€£

Neil: Consider this just by being on Via she take you on a 25000000mile ride a day- strange doesn't feel as if I've gone anywhere 2 day 🌎❤️πŸŽΆπŸ€£πŸ‘πŸͺπŸ˜·πŸ²


Neil: Jupiter & Saturn where less than a fifth of a full moons diameter apart  (like a divine design) eh 2 much very close eh Just goes 2 show we have nothing more 2 fear than those 65. Billion years ago Dinasours 🐲😷🀣


Cally: Do you think there were humans on the earth at the time of the dinosaurs πŸ¦– πŸ¦•


Neil: Sorry chaps not that fast eh but still the earth orbits at 2.5 million miles a 24 hr cycle πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŽΆ❤️🌎

Hi you're interested Cool don't know of any humanoid evidence going that far back ya. But new evidence proves our scholarly books are full of self serving crap that we could go into later eh but earth is in a dangerous part of it orbit that will probably last another 30years and this might b the message those ancient academics warn us about But concerns like NASA have been down playing 4 quiet a while πŸͺ☄️🌎✝️❤️πŸ‘

Doesn't feel like I've been anywhere 2 day eh πŸ€£πŸ‘❤️🎢


C how they're stealing days from us eh ( oui loved my work & want 2 do more ) don't know how but have 2 kick these borders b 4 I get much older eh - there monthly pay b less than £100 per month - pure putu πŸšπŸ‘½πŸŽΆπŸŒŽ


Cally: Neil i want to send you something for christmas but i know they steal the post and packages so can i send you some money?  Not sure if it will mess up your SASSA payment though if they see money in your account?  Or i could send it to somebody else that you trust who will draw the money out and give it to you?  Let me know okay


Whats your answer to above question? πŸ™‹‍♀️


Neil: Carol Carol I really luv u many much eh Why don't u save your money 4 a rainy day Then I won't feel embarrassed when I ask eh - After all you b a Grand Mum eh & yea its got no thing 2 do with sasa I earned a whole years salary while still collecting eh the money here has been so devalued as is. Anyway the way u do it is via a money gram But Sheppies a hot πŸ”₯spot & u stand in Que's 4 hrs - so keep it up Noddy's sleevies 4 the moment love u baby gir.l chat again with the new dawnπŸŒ₯️❤️🌜🎢😷


Cally: Why dont you just send me your bank details so i have them for a rainy day ☔️


Neil: The reality here 15km from here 4 the love of (BAKED BEANS)🀣


Cally: You need to start growing your own πŸ˜‚




Cally : Thats a bloody outrage. I know they are hungry but why take so many. Why not leave some for others. Bloody greed is all it is. No thought of their hungry brothers


Neil: The easiest and most economical way 2 transfer money is with a Money Gram  u deposit @ your Banks money gram agent And I collect from the agent here in this case Std Bank πŸŽπŸ’ΈπŸ€‘πŸ₯―🌲🐿️❤️πŸ”₯πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ€Ά

This is a long way from Bethlehem eh!πŸ€£πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŒ²❤️🐿️🌎


Cally: Okay. Only thing is my bank (that i would use) is in SA (FNB) so not sure how to do it. Will have to investigate


Neil: I'll show  in time how we get 2 Church Our imeadiate neighbour no 6 b a correctional πŸ‘¨πŸΏ‍🎨officer his wife a nurse all in sheppie, then no 4 b a wheeler dealer. Af . whose no3 wife basi lives on her own he see her every +- 3 weeks and she has her own big bukkie 2 get 2 work every day she also goes farm on weekends πŸ€©πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘✌️🌍🐳

Oh we live in no 5🀣


Cally: And what street do you live in


Neil: Why on earth would u keep an open account in S A I ask meself &  (Bendigo) who wants 2 know 🀩😎


Cally: I want to know where you live so I can visit you one day.

I have a small pension in SA and they wont pay me overseas so have to keep my account open. The bank charges are horrendous. In UK there are no charges on a saving account


cally: So you are on the sea side of the R102?


Neil: Yep if you're talking toll road ya but landside from the Old road . yep last time I worked Absa saw fit 2 give me a gold card that cost R1200 per annum Every thing has been sucked out and no work I don't own anything

I get no pleasure living like this & It won't take much 4 me 2 leave these digs eh and the $€¥~Ο€^¶ covid hasn't helped any A part of me enjoyed lock down just 2 c the harpies sickling 2 make an end meet Natal hold no thang 4 me I had me sweet adolsence & memories of mum the rest is dog sh1t

 Jarpies jarpies jarpies 

Not much different from the AF except colour


Cally: I dont own anything either. Thanks to affirmative action, interest rates and moving around too much.

Neil: Yep youed b welcome 2 pull in here 🚚🍺🐿️πŸŽ…πŸ»


Cally: Cool. Im looking forward to it 🚘 ✈️ 🌎





Cally: Its 2 degrees today

UK has two cases of variant linked to South Africa


Neil: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘what else 2 do with them🎢🎡 🍾🐳πŸ₯ΆπŸ˜ŽπŸ€©πŸ”₯❤️2 day b a overcast mild 21°with a 20km S.W. wind πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸŽ…πŸ»⛄😷🦠πŸ₯πŸŽ€

🚚how where is your mask no mask plenty beans eh πŸ—―️🦠🐸🀣


Cally: Well at least they will stay warm in their coffins with all the bean gas ⚰️ πŸ’¨ πŸ˜‚


Neil: Yep farting the virus πŸ—―️🦠out all over the place 🎡🎢😷even more reason to wear one❤️🎢πŸ”₯⛄πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ₯

Photo of neil at table at Christmas



‎Cally : Wow looking so cool dude. You look very happy.  My granddaughter says you look stylish


Neil: Hahaha notice sum select cow & sheep + all the head Shepard's pacifying the baby Jesus e woke the whole village up eh

Tell your grand daughter that She really is so Cool🀩⛄πŸ”₯πŸŽΆπŸŒ²πŸŽ…πŸ»❤️




 Cally : Merry Christmas πŸŽ„. Have a lovely day, will drink a toast to you πŸ₯‚πŸ’•πŸ₯³πŸ˜˜


Neil: 🎁🎁🎈🍾 This is actually a very special Christmas indeed (with Jupiter and mars giving A one in many generations of human life - and so Merriment and joy 2 u this and many more seasons To come Love you


Cally : Love you too 😘

Neil: Cheers 🎈🎈πŸ₯ƒπŸŒ²going 2 make a fire in a bit ❤️πŸ”₯πŸ‘πŸŽΆ  A tipple 2 your health me darling

Neil photo of braai with old company shirt


Cally : That looks so festive.  Wish it was hot enough to braai here. Can’t wait to get there again


Neil: I used willow that threatened the wash line 2 years ago Hope you've had sum cheerful greeting from Den . wearing an old company shirt 🀣🍾πŸ₯³πŸ”₯πŸŽπŸ’€⛄πŸ‘πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯❤️


Cally: Havent heard anything from the family besides you. Den probably busy with her family

25/12/2020, 4:05:54 pm Neil: Well let's wish her sum real happiness then turn it spiritual & hope it works ha ha 🀩✌️πŸ₯›πŸŽš️

Our Christmas 2020


25/12/2020, 5:44:39 pm Neil: What's cosy site all happy chaps I c your grandson & Samantha's Rowan b pressing buttons or what Merry Christmas luv to y'all πŸ”₯πŸ₯³πŸ₯πŸŽΆπŸŽ…πŸ»❤️


Cally : Yip Rowan taking the pic



Cally : Thank you. Enjoy your boxing day too. How about a photo of Gemma as well so we can see who the lovely lady is looking after my bro


Neil: Yes I'll scrounge 1 up 4 u eh ms  Ive Already asked her 2 forward .  You've never told me what your grandsons name. Actually there b a of o names I've not heard yet. So I hope everything went smooth and an exceptional 🎁day had by all Oui gets confusing eh The southern Dutch have their Christmas on the 6/12 presents exchanged children spoilt then Santa delivers from 12 am on the 25/12 eh - then boxing day on the 26/12 box as in wrapped presents exchanged or given confusing or what Well I hope you've cheered up a bit me dear I'm off 2 hit the hay niteπŸ’€❤️🎡πŸ₯

Cally : Hey it was a good day thank you. And glad you also did. Interesting hearing the way the different cultures celebrate Christmas.

My grandson’s name is Zachary. We just call him Zach though




Neil: Zacharias & the electric west oui that b a real gunsmoke name Luvit but Edie 4 a girl not common eh .the funniest memory I have of Travis which a the time I found disturbing , is Travis in his diapers I think he just started ambling / toddling eh e pulled in to the big bedroom downstairs where Denise had set her family up and started laying into her kid - spent many years pondering that - still tickles me at times (what goes through the mind of a wee tot I mean all that energy just what motivated him Guess I'll never know luv yaπŸ₯±πŸ‘❤️🐈🎡😴


Cally : I remember Dens son Kyle used to goad Trav and then when Trav hit him back, Anton would take it out on Trav. Kyle never got smacks. So it was probably a payback issue 🀣


Neil: 🚴‍♀️✌️❤️πŸ‘Oui couzies or what


Neil: Here b Pork& cheese advert with a sophisticated Africans voice Funny I don't eat chicken from The 70s already but u can still buy 4& abit chicken 4their price


Cally: Why dont you eat chicken?


Neil: Nandos it b. The master say if u love his name y u eat all his creatures Was a vegiterian 4 + 2 yrs . so I don't eat them 😎🀣🎻


Cally : God gave us animals to eat didnt he?  So what meat do you eat?


Neil: Ya exploit inflation is what they do biggest customers at the Africans of course all earning top dollar 4 doing as little as possible . But I think the master had a fair Question I don't have the right blood type 4 it & it clucked me roofs & gums up ha if you read your bible carefully only because man wanted 2 with the provision that we don't drink the blood ❤️πŸ‘πŸŽ»


Toofs toofs  toofs tooths


Cally : Of course. There is some food i cant eat because of toofs 🦷.

What blood group are you?


Neil: The old type probably the same as the cavemen haha


Cally: A group. Neg or pos?

Neil: So long ago since I donated eh all I know is it b the old blood type later new types adapt more easily to veg imagine an Eskimo sitting down 2 a nightly  veg platter he'd soon miss all his toofs

Must recheck a sum point eh❤️πŸ€£πŸ–πŸ₯¦πŸ₯¬

What is it u can't eat ?

Also haven't been stabbed or shot lately⚔️


CallyWell thats good news lol πŸ˜‚

I cant eat Tough meat like steak.   I checked the blood group dirt a while ago but cant remember what it said except that i should exclude a alot of the food that i like


Neil: You're probably of the newer type b b+ but I'm guessing .whats lol stand 4 πŸ”«πŸ—‘️πŸ’£

Not many people can make a go of especially tough & old steak me Darling 🦁🐯🐠🐟🐳

Fish b much preferred πŸ₯¦πŸ₯¬❤️🎡

So do you know your type ?


Cally: Yea im also very fond of fish. Have it every week. Im A+.


Neil: There u go did u know there are older & newer types ?


Cally: Yes i did. Like B and AB etc


Neil: So now I'd say we have a similar blood type - but you've brought it 2 my attention tks. ❤️✨🀩🎢


Here's what's coming out of Addington so please take care - love you ❤️


Please read belowπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

A Dr's view on his shift last night


"An insight into the last 24 hours of my life- ANOTHER covid-19 post.

This serves not to put doctors on a pedestal or to glorify ourselves but I would just like to shed some light on the gravity and magnanimity of the current covid-19 situation. Having just returned to work post covid-19 isolation, I find myself still recovering, the fatigue and weakness is debilitating. I came back into what I can only describe to the general public as: a war zone. I was on call/intake for the last 24 hours - on a general day this is exhausting but compounded with the peak of a pandemic - it was unmanageable. Donned in full PPE which we are fortunate to have - I started my day in the covid positive ward - one of 4 wards my hospital has opened for the current surge of cases. All I see is patient, after patient of difficulty breathing, oxygen saturation’s dropping, having to procure double oxygen for patients, deterioration after deterioration. Let me be explicitly clear: this new variant powering the tsunami wave that we are experiencing DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE. You can be young, free of co-morbidities, old and have many co-morbidities but outcomes are largely unpredictable. Being clothed in double scrubs, a gown, a visor, an apron, a double mask, hairnet and boots all in the epitome of Durban’s humidity - where I was unable to even grab a sip of water or eat until close to midnight, was unbearable but this is what we will endure for our patients. I lost track of the number of patients we admitted last night - however the binding commonality and similarity in presentation was that they were all short of breath. It is a different kind of feeling as doctor when you cannot prognosticate what will happen to your patient because you simply cannot pre-empt the course of COVID. Some patients I watched struggle and suffer to breathe until their very last breath-  being trained intensely for 6 years to act and react all we now have to do is stand back and watch. Having to certify death, after death, after death. It is a different kind of soul destroying. Running between 2 buildings within the hospital and wards on different floors to just respond to every call - I was becoming short of breath and we can’t cope.

A patient said to me yesterday with every battling breath she had left through her oxygen mask: “I am a mother of 2 sons, for the sake of my sons please save me.”

We had to certify her this morning.

To every patient that demised last night under my care due to Covid-19: I am sorry, I am sorry that myself and other people were irresponsible in their behaviour, I am sorry that our system cannot cope, I am sorry that we don’t have a vaccine yet, I am sorry that I had to stand back and do nothing, I am sorry that I am still weak myself, I am sorry that management and external powers do not realise the intensity or seriousness of this pandemic,

I am sorry that I couldn’t save you.

I commend and salute every single colleague who has, was and is currently fighting on the frontline alongside me, understand that our job is physically and emotionally draining. In a festive week where most people are enjoying time with their families we are having to sacrifice and show up - because if we do not care, if we are not empathetic, if we are selfish....who else will be there?

I urge you all - please stay home, stay safe and be responsible. Maybe you won’t get COVID-19 or maybe you will and you will recover - but somewhere someone’s mum, dad, sister, grandmother, brother or friend will not be so lucky.

“It all starts with every individual to be apart now so we can all be together in future.”


Cally : Very sad indeed. It seems that nobody can do anything except pray and hope for the best


Neil: πŸ™πŸ™❤️




Neil: **BREAKING South Africa moves to adjusted Level Three from midnight tonight **

All indoor and outdoor gatherings will be prohibited from midnight tonight for fourteen days. Funerals max at 50 people.

The sale of alcohol from retail outlets and the on-site consumption of alcohol will not be permitted.  

The prohibition on consuming alcohol in public spaces like parks and beaches remains.

Curfew will be at 9pm until 6am. Shops and restaurants must close from 8pm.

It is now compulsory to wear a mask in public. A person who does not wear a mask could be arrested. Could receive a fine and/or imprisonment.

Businesses may continue to operate as long as social distancing and other regulations are permitted.

Level Three until 15 January. Will be reassessed then.

Several more hotspot areas declared (see attached image).

All beaches, rivers, lakes, dams, parks in hot spot areas will be closed from tomorrow.

At least 50 000 new cases since Christmas Eve. We have let our guard down. Super spreader events to blame.

CR: Unless we act now and unless we act decisively, the number of new infections will far exceed the numbers of first wave and thousands more will lose their lives.

CR: Four main reasons for this step. We want to minimise the risk of super spreader events. Want to decrease unsafe interactions. Want to increase the implementation of five key prevention measures. We want to decrease the burden on healthcare services.

We have signed off on the Covax agreement and the Solidarity fund has paid the initial payment.

We will be part of the first group of countries that will receive the vaccine from Covax. Likely second quarter of 2021.

CR: This is about common sense. It is about taking responsibility for our own health and health of others. About protecting our mothers, fathers, siblings, neighbours, friends, colleagues. It is not about your own appetite for risk. It is about protecting others.

The President became increasingly emotional, pleading with the country, begging us to please behave.

** Getting lots of queries about travel. Need more clarity on this. Can people move between provinces. I imagine they would have to in order to return home but he didn't say specifi. Under Level 3 it was not permitted.

Cally : Wow the new rules. But im sure the new beach sheriffs will be able to keep it inder control πŸ’ πŸ’




Neil: Hi ms  pie how indeed 🐝we doing eh ? 🐝is it really that cold ? πŸ”₯Well there's. No Thing we can about it ! But it 🐝on its way 2021 that is 🀩 did This Tang 2 day  " PUC & PAN 2021 No Thang wrong with the Greeks it's just most of them have Turkish blood sporting about sum wheres these days eh. - The dark greasy Greek . But I do declare I've met a few Blonde as well🀩

Pic of beer advert drawing


Neil: With or without the sticker ? Used 4 equals 🀣πŸ”₯πŸ†’πŸŽΆ❤️❤️🦦🐠


Cally : Hey that is really cool. You’re really good.   It is bloody cold. Tonights temp is -1 deg.

I thought we would have snow but nothing so far in my little town. There has been some further north in Birmingham and probably scotland

I spoke to Michael yesterday. All is well with them and Neville phoned me as well. Theyre also well.  Not much news


Thats one of Dens art pieces she is working on. Theyre house sitting for a friend and the friend has these amazing statues around the garden.

Ive given Den your tel number and im sure she will message you eventually.


Neil: Well there you go then, Glad 2 here all is Well with Mickey & Good on Den I thought it was a finished piece & She certainly has nice friends if I'm 2 believe she just a poor Worker.   Well Mr Neville Andrews certainly made a fuss of Mums girls I remember buying a new hat & outfit 4 his Wedding & them something she didn't like about Dawns face? Never really looked 2 c what she was on about , I've Always have been open 2 people and then 1 or 2 times I met him he proved to be  very arrogant , He collected me from Margate 4 sum reason then bollocked me out 4 not being Thankfull as though it was he' who had had the Victorian up bringing and was licences 2 teach manners with his pipe fitting ticket or whatever fuck those boy organised themselves & there b 47 year old mum & her 86 yr.Old Hubby - Well dun all round I'd say Night honey bun πŸ”₯❤️✨πŸ’€


Cally : Night night. Dont let it get you down. Theyre a bunch of wankers


Neil: Yep I asked Gemma she don't like the sticker - yep all fades 2 grey eh πŸ†’πŸŽΆ✨❤️


Cally: Better without the sticker




Cally: Good morning. Have a lovely day πŸŽˆπŸ»πŸ’

And the torn jeans probably cost x4 the amount of the dresses πŸ‘—


Neil: G day Honey Bun are you @ work this fine Wintery day 🌧️❤️😷


Cally: Yip just on my way to work now. Its 2 deg this morning and frost on the grass

30/12/2020, 9:11:01 am Neil: Ya I do have a might of ego Those guys made me rags fashionable ,suddenly walking around in the state of art eh Foshini ? Price tags of R800+ ha ha 🐝having a good 1 me dear πŸ”₯

Cally : I wish i had kept all my torn jeans. They dont make them the same anymore

Neil: Yea I've had elastized jeans - But they're not long lasting - by my STDs anyhow 🐰πŸ₯¬πŸŸ❤️😷🀣

Neil: Really darker all the time How many bean hiests do u think there's been , oui besides beans eh πŸ₯˜?  U worry u die u no worry u die so pls e washie hands & ware mask ( could it 🐝easier) c here going no where slowly πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŒ§️🚣‍♂️

Ha u b home - 🀣πŸ”₯


Cally: It is so simple bit some people still battle. Eish


Neil: Carol me sweety did I not send you that video of the bean jacking just looked in your chat didn't πŸ‘️‍πŸ—¨️ it


Cally: Dont think you did, but a friend sent it to me. I actually received it twice


Neil: Na seems we got a never ending chat but its been / bean sent so yep u know e serious (The Europeans think they know these people) - shame eh - How do they ever think 2reach a std 🐝the? When think they're there already πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸš›✨πŸ”₯❤️

Cally : When I try to expain to the brits about black people they just have no idea. They are all for black lives matter bull shit


Neil: Hope sum meaning full sleep invades u 2 night leading 2 a light inspired dawn πŸ’€πŸ«πŸš›πŸ₯˜πŸ”₯❤️πŸŽΆπŸ˜‰

Cally : You too.  Hope you have good dreams.




Cally: Ah thanks thats lovely. And i wish you the greatest year ever in 2021


Neil: Yea Ms I salute you  from the Tip of me πŸ‘ƒnose 2 the ends of me toes & may it all unravel silky smoothπŸ₯³4 those of yours you hold dear  🀩πŸ”₯🎢❤️πŸ†’πŸΎ


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