Neil: G.day tae ya ma'am😷😉🙃🔥👍
Cally : Gday te ye too bru. How be
ye doin this day?
All is well on this side of the
equator. Ive just been listening to a really informative podcast regarding the
virus. Not sure if you want to take a listen. But will send it anyway and you
can decide ye or nay
This is really interesting. I
seriously recommend that you take a listen to it
Neil: No Secret conventional war -
very expensive & troopies like this good 4 covert ops - while Iran , India
& their. Cronies are still fiddling with Nuclear shit The US just vaporises
without that sh1t u saw Iraq ? & then along came the chinee🦠with
their it wasn't us otherwise we would have warned u sooner 🥢Cyril
gives a Speech 2 nite 🕵🏿♀️🤡🎵
Bottle stores and beaches open
Cally : It seems that south africa
is in the news here every day. So many articles about the new SA variant of the
Neil: Men & their Gods eh -Man
has such a ginormous ego he plays god himself , but alas he🐝
but but mere man & needs 2 point a finger of blame The day there b more
answers than ⁉️s
is the day we should worry about 💖no worries covid as in covert we
are the mere victims of the game with half the play script blanked out.he he he
me neck already oui had to give up Rain so no movies 🐝having
a good one you very special person 🤡🌹🦋💖
Cally: I was thinking about the
time that Mom tried to cut your hair when you were sleeping and you jumped out
of bed and ran away from home. I think that was the first time you ran away
from home and slept on the beach 🏖 💇♂️
Neil: E he eh he nothing was ever
about hair - though I used 2 complain when it touched me ears eh First time was
about poor grades & bunking school ( fuck I really needed help)all she
could think of was sending me back 2 my dad & the woman who 4 eight years
degraded me I'm stupid nobody wants me not even me mum etc so ya me Mums hands
were full eh Just waiting 4 Norman Andrews 2 move in as well . Spent the night
packing - don't know y I bothered seeing as the case was stolen B4 I left
Marina Chucked Any how - Seems I have very much the same status then as now
Cally : Dont say that. There are
people in this world that love you 😘
Neil pic – ball?
Cally : Is that a crystal ball?
Neil: Wish it was. - ying yang
reflecting a wee bit of FIA's frenetic energy -( or me bored ) me hands still
need a lot o work 🖐️🤚🤟🖖
Cally : Ive run out of inspiration
at the moment. My granddaughter loved the horse painting i did for her but i
wasnt too happy with it. Im better with straight lines like drafting etc
I think mom was delusional
thinking that Norman would upsticks and move in with her. Was she crazy or
Neil: It's Ironic as my Dad was
always calling her a this and that . And along came the STD that. Wiped her out
I still don't believe it was from the Mail Ship she cruised 2 CapeTown with and
that she contracted it lo ( doesn't pay 2 dwell eh
Cally : I didnt know she had an
STD. Which one. Fuck what was wrong with her!
Neil: Carol what ave u got me into
you read the Death Certificate
Cally : The death cert said she
had a pulmonary embolism
Neil: Well she had her tube tied
eh then shit about swabs that had been sewn in & then about syphilis which
is still rife on the coast & That l was one healthy gal eh - my copy is
floating around the cape someplace more like buried eh Anyhows pulmonary
embolism sound more polite 👻⛄💖🎵🔥
Cally : Okay what i know is that
she had a hysterectomy and somehow (maybe the swabs) her became infected
(peritonitis) probably because the surgeon was sloppy. So they had to take her
appendix out and with so many surgeries she developed a clot on her lung.
Anyway she’s long gone so we don’t
need to worry about that anymore
We don’t need to let our garbage
truck fill up so that it spills out all over the place 🤗
Neil: Yea don't dwell BBBut she
should have stayed longer Yep 4 a long time I seriously wanted 2 hurt some one
- violence keeps begatting - no sport in
that 💖🎵yep
we dump our own trash eh 🚛🐎
Neil: Seem that snow is restricted
in your suburb I've been getting so many snowscapes & u have magical mist
Cally: Has Andy been sending you snow pics
Neil: Yea weeks ago even.🤣
enough to put bear🐻skin
on a Cossacks chest.☃️🔥💖🎵
Oui sweet dreams & all luv ya 👻⛄🔥💖🎵
Cally : Love you too sleep tight
Neil horse pic
Neil: Oui I'd never get a job as
an illustrated eh luv ya
Cally : Thats good. You can put
your hand to anything
This is how mine turned out
My horse painting
Neil: I love your 💖horse
perfect profile 🐴🐎👍🏇🔥🎵
Cally: Thank you 🙏
Cally : Snowy streets this
morning. Was something like minus 6 degrees
Where beer 🌳s
grow in a straight row 🎶🍺🍺🍺🍺🤣💖
And 🦔
hide in the hedgerow. And 👧 👧
drink 🍹
until their tails are in a spin
Yep waas tinking of animating
those little fellas oui Dishes of all tings are calling ( & they couldnae
tell 1 o the ends of a compass from the other) 💖💖🤣🍺🎶🌳well
dun 🎵⚓
She desperately wanted a pair of
beautiful alligator shoes. After becoming very frustrated with the attitude of
one of the shopkeepers, the young blonde declared, 'Well, then, maybe I'll just
go out and catch my own alligator and get a pair of alligator shoes for free!'
The shopkeeper replied with a sly
smile, ’Well, little lady, why don't you go give it a try?'
The blonde headed off to the swamp,
determined to catch an alligator. Later in the day, the shopkeeper was driving
home, and spotted the
young woman standing waist deep in
the murky water, shotgun in hand. He saw a huge 9-foot gator swimming rapidly
toward her. With lightning reflexes, the blonde took aim, shot the creature and
hauled it up onto the slippery bank.
Nearby were 7 more dead 'gators,
all lying belly up.
The shopkeeper watched in amazement
as the blond struggled with the 'gator. Then, rolling her eyes, she screamed in
frustration ......
"Son-of-a-bitch!! THIS ONE'S
Neil: Anc President has just finished
a well-polished 1.5 hr TV show with hi lights on a 300 yr old oppression making
me feel personally responsible saw 1 white male & exactly same no of female
Power 2 the people eh 🤜🏿
Cally : And i believe all the
vaccines that have arrived expire in two weeks
Neil: What's 2 say dear heart the
company has been running the country 4 25yrs. & the goverment has been
bankrupt 4 @ least 12 so these covid 19 funds have been a windfall of sorts 🦠💉💊💸
Cally: When are you going to get
your vaccine shot
Neil: Dear God & all the
powers that B That B a ❓that
can only B answered by the aforementioned Powers eh , tho I'm sure the whole
cabinet displayed on TV 2 night were already immunized✝️☮️🕎☯️🔯
Cally:Good morning. Welcome to the
new day. I hope the sun 🌞
is shining down on you and you had a good nights sleep and a good breakfast 🍳
Neil: All good in the land of adapt or die☀️🐝scorching
2 day - sent photo of the merry Isles waking
up this morning - lazy 9.30 am but impressive So what's on your cards 4 the
weekend, hope sum wonderment 4 u😋🤓🤩💖🎶
Cally : Well at the moment I’m
sitting in bed drinking my coffee and wondering what to do today. Maybe a bit
of art 🖼
and some house work 🧹.
My flat is small so not too much space to dance around.
Neil: Absolute classic been seen 4
they say only boring people get bored - was my mantra 2 a former girlfriends
daughter but now I'm outa my 🌳so what 2 do about it I've had sum
luvly 2/3 bedroom flats But never spent much time in them (recovery time &
back to work) so I was never meant 2 b A housewife don't know how they do
it - When left the Cape I was jobless & basi on the
streets a friend had a workshop at lest so I slept in there with me car 4 a
while anyway I'm wombling on eh Think myby time 2 ave the last physical crack @
meself as it seems that the old man is trying 2 creep in I see Gemma's routine
eh if she's not awake by 8 I wake her then 2-3 hrs over coffee & breakfast
another 2-3 hrs 2 make her bed & dress ,if she's not going shopping she'll
fiddle on her computer 4 an hr or 3 then lunch yooah I really am wombling eh 🙊🙉🙈🐒😝🤣
need to set up a disciplined routine & stick 2 it till I can sumhow extract
meself 🐸🎶take
care & many much luv 💖
Cally: Yea sometimes life is a
grind. I find i do the same thing as your Gemma in the days im not working. I
only took my pyjamas off at about 3pm. But i did make my bed and have coffee at
about 9am. Its good if you can get into some kind of routine and find something
that keeps you busy
Did Andy not try to help you when you were
homeless? Or invite you to stay with
Neil: Never a dull moment yep was a busy guy I would never expect anything
from u guys eh 🤣🎶💖
Neil: 🎩so
Top of the dae tae ya me Dear 🤣😍😎
Cally : Yip and to you too dear
bro 😎
Ashleigh has written a children’s
book and she wants me to illustrate it for her and its really something that i
dont want to do. Its a story about tortoises 🐢
and try as i might i just cant do them well enough for her. She is never quite
satisfied with the way i draw them. So i have to keep on trying and the more
pressure she puts on me, the less i want to try again. Its so frustrating and
im now dreading her phone calls. She just wont take NO for an answer. 😩🥵🤯
Neil tortois pic
Cally: Those tortoises are really
good. Well done!
Neil: Well those took about 10
minutes , it helps having a model of sorts eh! so luv 2 see what u cum up wid .
ya Gemma & me plutonic - just er HSE slave although she expects monies as
What are you doing today?
No plans as yet ❓Happy
ST Valentine's eh . what & wear you up to 🌹
14/02/2021, 5:51:36 pm Neil: I'll 🐝checking
Roelie in is hokkie so let me know when ya wanna go - this 1 from Shirley
Neil: Apparently Peter Baker is singing
at Hunters today at 2. Want to see if I can make a plan and go have a beer.
Peter's great but I couldnae keep
buying Calvin beer so -- where were u Some place good eh 👍🌹🎶🎸🎤
Cally : No didn’t go anywhere
today. I couldn’t sleep last night. Eventually fell asleep sometime after 4am.
So only got up at about 1.30pm.
Samantha and Edie are coming over
for supper so that should be good. A bit of company.
Im thinking of breaking lockdown
and going to visit Ash and the kiddies in Birmingham next week. Just worried
that the cops might catch me and give me a hefty fine as i get off the train 🚂
Neil: Long legged beer drinking
Phillis 🤣🤣🎶🙈🙉🙊🐸yea
Calvins 54 sold is Ouse & drank it out in less than 36months bought a
bakkie 4 R160000 trying 2 sell it now best offer he's had b 60000 I swear most
government employees got paid good money 4 nothing just like the Africans
Cally : To be sure. When i worked
for the Natal Parks Board i only got R3000 a month but then i got company housing
was at least we could keep our heads above water
Neil: Bless ya & no mind the
fine, but I wouldnae do it wee lass eh 💖u songs about staying alive eh 3
grand was early 90s 4 me / no pension no housing Calvin earned about 30g + car clucking ashole
Cally : Is Calvin a white
dude? Only an arsehole can sell their
house and drink it out in three years. What was he thinking 🤔
Neil: Shit in the kidneys more
like Yea Mr Pead / point is ave u received the vaccine beside Birmingham b an
Old dirty industrial metropolis
Cally : Yea birmingham is a filthy
pit. I wish she didn’t live there. People crap in the park and there are rats
in the streets. Seriously. Her husband wont move cos he wants to be close to
his mosque. Arsehole
Neil: Your poor girlie Ya 🐂s
fraid they got more horn than brain or what how many more children she going 2
ave 💖s
r a strange ting eh.
Neil: Anyways whatever u decide
get a good nights sleep first eh ie 7.5 hrs
Neil: Sum Africans made comments
about me oly shorts I told them twas me air conditioner system hi ya 🌨️
last nite sweltering 2 day the external air con worked full stick 🐳🐋much
Cally: Hiya. Been so busy painting
today. Tortoises driving me bazonkers.
Maybe tonight will be cooler. Wish
i was there wearing shorts 🩳
Neil: Yea ya gotta take on ea
forties persona - not always easy I love architecture u always had leading time
as compared 2 shop fitting where everything is needed yesterday .Soft pencils
& a big rubber eh✏️+
lotsa paper helps I got pretty good with auto cad but computer so old laptop
min 20g.say nothing about the program 🐢🦉
Cally: I used to do drafting for
various land surveyors and also for Road Dept in Pmburg and i really enjoyed it
Neil: ☀️🐝expensive
with the Rand falling like a brick out the sky B forced 2 do in a bank I'm
really so sick of poverty u even need 2 b black 2 do a bank
Cally : Can i send you a few
bucks? Just send me your bank details.
No strings attached
Neil: You're really are a sweatie pie & Dearest sister of mine I
really luv u ditto no strings eh - We miust take time 2 ave a proper chat sum
time eh
Cally : I really mean it. Let me
know your bank details to keep for a rainy day
I remember when i was in high school you would often sneak me a pack of
Galoise (sp?) and its time to return the favour
Neil: Nun 🐝the
problem ,we'll chat & remember minimum. 7.5 hrs 💤required
luv ya 💖🐋✏️🐢🦉👍
Cally: Thanks im going to bed
early today. Got work tomorrow.
Neil: 2 blind mice & 1 blind
cat nite nite🌦️🔥🪐💫
Our WiFi dissapears 4 days @ time
wid nun deductions 4 time lost (efficiency) Me thinks its called .Good morning
- here 🐝a
silly one 4 your Grand children.🤡💖🤣👍🤡
Cally : Good morning. Thats cute.
Going to send it to them ❤️
Neil: Nice train 🚄🐝having
a good one with allya kiddos 🆒🔥🤩
Ramaphosa received his vaccination
2 day ( he told his fellow South Africans that it didn't hurt a bit 💉🦾brave
fella 1st in line & all 🤣👍💖🔥😷
Well hope u arrived on time take
care & have fun🤡 🔥
Cally: All safe and sound and
didnt see one cop along the way. Kiddies
so happy to see me they shreiked for at least half an hour and they kept saying
they missed me so much. I really felt so loved. And ive had cuddles all day.
Cally : I seem to have lost
connection. Are you still out there somewhere?
Cally : Helloooo
Cally : Im getting worried now,
whats cooking ?
Cally : Hey nice to have you back.
Where’ve you been jelly bean
Neil: Ye b0 yea 7 days a week & ALL seems well living
in Africa the land of magic yep me Samsung was disappeared &&&
it 🐝a
bit complicated 2 make it reappear last thursday=7days & be acc,s are back
I've never had a contract wid any
services 0utfit
Cally: Ok i thought it might be a
phone issue but was a tad worried 😧
Neil: So now the luvley 0ld
Samsung Gallaxy 🤩replaced
with a a A10 🌹
Cally: Okay so now you have a new
phone. Was the old one stolen or did it just give up the ghost 👻
Neil: Now I'm paying 4 some thang
Ive already paid 4 🎩absolute
Cally: That the worst. I had to do
that a couple of times when my kids lost their phones. Night
night. Glad we are back in comms
Cally : Good morning sunshine ☀️
Neil: I really love👂💍s
the earrings & baby , so what's up with telegram chatting Sam? So many 🐇hoptions
wid many many apps 0r what🐳😷💖
Cally: Yea when i realised there
was a problem with your phone i thought it might be that you had cancelled
Whatsapp so i thought you might be on Telegram. Yea too many options, easier to
just stick to one
Neil: It 🐝13
Bendigo rd.Janita court unit no 5 Anerley 🤩🎼🎸🌹&
that's the physical geography 🌏🐇🐇
Cally: Okay. Thanks. Its just in
case I ever need to find you if you get lost 🤪🤣
25/02/2021, 1:50:01 pm Neil: Ha ya
superstar still need 2 find me music & gallery plus a whole bunch 😍🌏🌹💖👍
Neil: This b a genuine Samsung the image is from me old Sam &
nothing from the Samgallaxy 🦇 knock off from muslem pakastanies
residing in sheppie most cant even speak english (An exciting 😑🌏we
live in Africa 🏴☠️the land of 🐇
Cally : We have plenty pakkies
here too. Infacr there are afghans and somalis and polish etc etc and zulus and
Neil: Hoptions & devastating
profit as it all collapses round around
our ear , n0 🎼has
been recovered as yet really don't want
the exercise of down loading a couple of hundred they got🦇me
and card as well hundred on there as well luv ya 💖nite
Sd.card think this one b made in
CHINA as well cheeky sh1t🐼🦚🪶💖👍
Neil: Hooray hooray its Friday morning talk ya 🎩🪶🐳💖
Drawing of capitol hill
Cally : Thats cool. He looks like
the one guy that stormed the US capitol building recently
So whats on your agenda for today? Here it looks like winter will soon be over.
Its a bright sunny day and the temp is up to 10 degrees at last and im wearing
a vest and shorts 🩳
Neil: Hi yea the guy with the
buffaloes horns really oozes with that old wild west strength of character ✅in
my book I'm so happy that the Sun has
seen fit 2 shine a bit of warmth & happiness your way hey
while February winds it's way
into hibernation 4 another 12 months no
thing much a happening Here same old
piss pots impoverishing their purses As our curly dark haired? Cousies carry on
impoverishing the country Restrictions of movement still lurking about your
head ( doesn't seem 2 bother u nun eh) -
there might b a carwash this weekend & all I need 2 do is win a miserable
28m lotto 💖📞📥📤🎈
Cally : Me too. I keep buying
lottery tickets and never win more than £5
Neil: Sad eh take Grant 4
instance worked yrs 4Toyota & is now
trying 2 pay his rent by selling
Cally: Shame thats really sad. A
person shouldnt have to struggle when they get old
Neil: Thought it was just me @ one
stage It seems the Afrikaners still have a lot 2 laugh hard about .
Neil: Still it 🐝a
beautiful country (A rich man's paradise if he has a big enough protective
Army) The indigenous people have their culture set back 2 the dark feudal era.
And already have their little Kingdoms eh, that now include whole Cities ☮️📞🤣🌹🎸🎵☀️🎩🐳
27/02/2021, 11:03:53 am : Thats
the unfortunate thing. If the white man hadnt try to educate them and left them
in their little kingdoms, all would be well
So Now now a new era of same old
fief doms South Africa has broken it's
own record , as in a record 🕵🏿♀️
number of new black millionaires than ever 🐝4 💖📞🤣🌹🎸🎼
Neil: The divine incredible
reality beautiful tks🦇🐳🌏🤣🎩🎸
Sister 🌝
where does your power🎼
lie 🐺across
the Southern sky🎸🥁👍
Sister 🌝
where does your power🎼
lie 🐺across
the Southern sky🎸🥁👍
Full moon this morning
Cally : Thats beautiful. My power
lies in the southern sky. Ive just woken
up. Woke up in the early hours with a very painful hip like its pulled out of
its socket. So took pain killers that really knocked me out
Neil: Ya'll been beating the weight of your grand cadets
on your hips & we've no excusios 4
losing our youths elasticity ha ha 2
many ducks🦆old
ducks ambling around with hip / double hip replacements 👩🦯💖🎶🐺🌹
(Bearing ) use 2 get small with
secretaries about type o s but this ting changes your whole context The only
photos I've recovered were from me
little 🐥Samsung
& very old e mail address No Thang from the big knock off samsung no music
sad eh so many hrs wasted 🧻
28/02/2021, 2:56:28 pm Neil: C now
I say mall & get small no thang smart about that except smart idiots 🥲🥸🎶🌏🤣🌹
Cally : I know what you mean. Its
the predictive text. You need to switch it off
Neil: That's so cool tks🌹👍🎶
28/02/2021, 4:38:10 pm : sticker
Neil : Are the hips comfy in bed -
take it easy eh 6.30pm your side Luv ya
Cally: Hip feels loads better
thanks bro
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