

Cally: Morning. I dont think ive ever heard Hotel California played so well. And those tiny little hands move along the strings with such ease. He is a wee maestro


Neil: Truely gold 🎶 flowing from his palms .and little (Spanish?)fingers.  Was never an Eagles fan eh


Cally: What was your favourite music from back then?


Neil: Yea Hi  long list eh but 🆒 all of most music , also guys who are exceptional on certain instruments ie ian Anderson flute solos ya from classical - Jazz- blues 2 rock mostly happy listening stuff . All time favourite Jon Anderson , Yes songs again not all the material - listen 2 (Jon & vengelis Mr Cairo+) andres Segovia ,SteveHillage Led Zepplin, Daniel Castro 4 starters eh if u b interested I'll compile a list .

Pilchards on toast 4 supp. 2 nite & You'll b walking out the door 2 morrow bright eyed and bushy tailed off 2 work after a hectic week weekend stay🆒 & keep🔥 warm luv u much many 💖💖


Cally: Wow that’s quite a varied list. That’s good rather than be stuck on one type. I like most stuff from classical through to rock, metal just can’t listen to rap. Its crap.

Yea I’ve had a weekend and a half cleaning and cooking. Enjoy the pilchards. I used to like them but not anymore.


Neil: Check the internet prospects 4 work in the UK +- 2004 thereabouts Achi draft @ £ sum included a car oui Setter outers hits all over the country eh.similar scale - going mal , all this nothing Far from retiring 🤩so be happy don't worry.


Cally: Are you checking the internet?  Would be great if you could come work here


Neil: When we became a republic R 2 = £1. I googled 76 -78 RI.68 = £1. So ya absolute poodle now eh £1=R22/26 ha haha how b this luvly countries management.  luv u 2 must chat further

@least nun bodies can steal ones💫 dreams

 Not 2 sure about that either . nite


Cally: Just hang onto your dreams they are precious.  I keep thinking if mom was still alive she would have a lot of explaining to do. She short changed all of us.  We were strong kids, she could have told us hard truth and we would have loved her just the same

Sleep tight and glorious dreams xx


Thats what one of my cars looked like when one if my boyfriends lent it to a guy from the Ark in Durban. Bloody total write off. And I never drove it again




Neil: Yea very sore point the above sent by a afrikaans mate c me car was borrowed by an African gent 4 3yrs. & 150000 added 2 the clock Haha ha amazing  I've just sold it mate don't know That. On condition That I don't c it running around Next Time I'm in Sheppie I'll scrape it.  Luving u Neil


Cally: How do we let people take advantage of us like that. We are too soft. My last car, a bakkie, i sold to a friend for R25000 and so far all he has paid me was about R3000 and that was five years ago and i haven’t seen him since and I ended up having to pay it off myself for fucking nothing


Neil: Yea great 🚂Did ya have a great Day hopefully me lass yea a tale in need b indeed But cricket moses eh . On Is SABC we are starved of news A lot of funerals & the same bullshit indabas that say the Rand b getting Stronger 🎨📉ya so it goes eh


Cally: Im sick in bed. Coughing and aching. Not covid so no worries. Just a bit of regular flu i think


Neil: 👄🌹Oui take care eh .The Dutch are going 2 lock down This Thursday & Norris is already chirping & the hospitality guys are out protesting Luv u baby girl stay ome 2 morrow listen to Sum music (here we go stay warm stay cool ) luv ya - doing dishes while ooh wants t.b. a millionaire b on TV


Cally: Thanks. I will probably stay home tomorrow if im not feeling well. Enjoy the evening 🛌


02/11/2020, 7:01:07 pm Neil: Yea we avent even sorted the prologue out yet let alone the 1st chapter b aving awee dram of Scotch then wee lassie INA bit o hit lemon luv ya


Cally: Love ya muchly 💤 💕




Cally: Hi. Sorry i havent really chatted today. Ive been in bed sleeping most of the day trying to shake off the flu. My boss said i have to stay home until I’ve done a covid test. Ive ordered one through the post so should receive it tomorrow. And then will wait and see what the results are. I’m sure its just a normal flu/cold but have to follow orders.

Hope youve had a good day

 😊🤗 ☀️ 🏖


Neil: 👩‍🏭There u go soldier keep your head down medlem 🍏& a wee🥃 dram  me 💖 b with ya & keep that barrel clean Watching the Money hiest ( Spanish movie)In en g l ish series 2 episode 7 luv u ☮️☪️☯️✡️✝️⚛️🥦




Neil: Yep kept nodding off last nite So u have me on the edge of me seat eh Are you living the out skirts of London .Pretty picturesque from outside your window ( Luv u sweet my heart) These things usually take up 2 10 days 2 work through your system) get well so hey. oui u might want 2 try (Season of the witch) Vanilla fudge does a version - but I've heard better


Cally:  The english country side is beautiful and always green. However, the more beautiful it is the more homesick i get. I would rather be walking on a windswept beach or sitting on centre rocks with the salty air on my face.


Just a quick question, how long did you stay with the O’Connell’s and why did you stay with them?

The little town where i stay is called Thatcham. Its south west of London . About an hour and a half travel. Its not a big town but there are plenty buses and the train station is within walking distance if i want to go anywhere.

I have been here almost eight years now and havent made a single friend. Sad sad life 😂


Neil: Hi There And here I be, them pommie villages got nun secrets & big in all their bodies All there everybody's pie ha ha

But u seem pretty central eh Trains run on time  (only needed a car 4 leisurely shopping & surfing weekends in Cape T.lived 45mins ea way 2 work Zoo I'm not really fond of the Jungle  Thieves & killers every place here eh (more so here)


Cally: Yea i see so much looting and killing going on in SA. Always on the facebook news.

I was going to get a car but theres no need really with me being a short walk from work, shops, doctors and trains and busses. And the monthly insurance is so high.


Neil: I never really stayed with the O’Connels .Once or twice a week I'd get off the bus @ Ramsgate & RUN 2 Vernon’s Ouse aid him spend the nite & b ome the next day He did the same .With moms passing I camped with them a bit .Clair Bodley’s Dad employed me @ the 2 of us built those peddle boats @ St Michaels .Vernon's Dad Ran the SPCA Lost me Giant Mountain bike 2 thieves in Durbs replacement value Now +-R 20grand haha & ha

Did the test Arrive eh?  Ya stopped catching the train & used the 🚴‍♀️.But I'm remiss 8 yrs. U must have 1 or 2 buddies up your sleevies eh . Remiss with respect 2 not having yet visited your blog sites( this weekend) luv u dear💖take it easy & get well

Cally: Thanks honey. I had a once in a life time friend that i lost through my own fault and like you and Helen, ive been looking for her for l many years 💔

My covid test arrived this morning and i did it and posted it back to the lab. So just have to wait for results

I think you have had some interesting jobs in your life by the sounds of it. But a lot of struggle in between. I’m glad you have a good friend like Mvr Van Hees


Neil: Ya The Eastern Masters say we are here 2 close accounts & not open / not 2 open It's like every time I've had an intimate relationship You have 2 take all their Karma on as well (Comfort zone not always good 4' the soul ) luv ya chat again soon Oui I sum times do a whack of texting offline


Cally: Thats true. Always karma and baggage that comes with new relationships

Sleep tight




Neil: Good day tae ya sleepy pie Are u guys under 🔐yet  sent this beautiful jpeg doing a morning stroll luv it

‎05/11/2020, 7:54:48 am Neil: ‎image omitted

05/11/2020, 7:55:49 am Neil: What time b sunrise then?

Cally:  Andy’ s pic is beautifu, he’s a really good photographer.

Sorry ☹️ good morning. I only managed to get to sleep after 3am so still very tired 💤

Sunrise was at 7.07 this morning

You can see the sun nicely through the mist in that one


Neil: Yea looks 2 b that hot old Sun did a🦆beautiful lawn with a wee bit o Frost then out your window 2 day eh- wasnae dozzy last nite so watched 2 episodes money heist Oui billions of Euros ha ha ( they holed up in the printing ous & printed their own) intelligent crime no blood shed . Yea been wrotting in the jungle going on eight yes. Money hungry economy just keeps wiping u out Ive always been a good saver but have nun savings eh  give da man a 3 am wow - chat


Really really looking eco friendly Luved trump but not 2 much of an eco guy.- Yah he addressed N Korea - China - Israel - poor bastard got his bum bit by da chinea covid eh later then


Cally: Have they announced the winner?


Neil: Not 2 me knowledge eh sort of neck &neck.  Silly thing here is Not how many overall votes but how many states they seduce Well 4 show e won't b getting Alaska 4 one eh! 🪐☄️🧹🤩😷💖

Hate this phone making sneaky corrections all the time


Cally: Yea my fone does that as well. And the touch screen drives me crazzzy

I watched a series called Love and Anarchy last night. Was so silly wish i hadnt wasted my time

Going to try a bit of painting today and stay off the computer 👩‍💻

Sound exciting 💖it

Pic of man hand drawn


Neil: I sum how got little black ands🍌🍌☄️💖


Cally: Thats really good!  Is that Gemma’s hubby?


Neil: No a skiet of er brother🤩👍🏼💖


Cally: Oh. Okay. What does she look like. Send a pic. Tell her to smile nicely 😊


Neil: Will do pin time eh

Yea in& pin gets me going




Cally: Oh gosh Trump is already showing those tendencies


Neil: My poor Hero if he's 🧹I think America will have a lot more probs eh


Three things I could have dun besides Architecture of which I have a world of experience but nun credentials eh. 1 M.B.A. -2 Anthropology - I have more empathy than money or brains ( 2 date have never been a Bully)& yea 3- A Geographer . Tell me about your hidden talents - late surfacers eh 🌊☃️hot & sunny 2 day going 2 do a little work out now


Cally: Your sketches are so good.

You could have done anything to do with sport as well. I remember how excellent you were at most sports.

You could also have been a counsellor with your empathy

You could sell your art work


Cally: I worked as a secretary for most of my life. Did close on 14 years with the Natal Parks Board and got to stay in the nature reserve at Midmar. I wish we had been in touch then. You would have loved it there. Was good for the kids growing up there. We had bonfires in the winter. Rode our canoes on the dam in the summer and there were always people coming to stay for weekends and holidays. I miss that and so do the kids even now


After my first failed attempt at moving to the UK i went back to Margate and worked as a conveyancing secretary which put me in a good position to find a cheap piece of property. I bought a piece of land in Palm Beach and took a mortgage and built a little two bedroomed house. I loved it, it was my own. I turned the bush into a park like garden. Planted all the grass and plants on my hands and knees.

Then the economy took a bad fall and i was made redundant and couldnt pay the bond and had to sell. It was a sad time. Lost everything i had worked so hard for all on my own.


Neil: Hi yah honey Me empathy just got me 2 courts of drove a couple 2 sheppie & back 20km so hoorah b Friday eh. Oui what made u resign from NPB midmar sounds divine eh sshew designed so many houses 4 boss people Still luv 2 build one 2 live in Just Has 2 b in the Right spot ..

Tell me a bit about old Travis eh ! Is he meaningfully employed ? Studying oui one can legally Wed @ 16 in Britain ( Ridiculous) eh.If you were @  wedding that's the last time I saw Mr Michael 4 sho and I think I saw Denny and yourself again sum time after that I've met Mikes Two boys But not Janis his Daughter oui he was proud as Janis was in a modelling agency 4 tots


Cally: Travis is a good guy he hasn’t stopped working since he arrived in the UK about four years ago. He never finished his schooling so has been doing all sorts of things from restaurant work, building, warehouse work, factory work etc. He is working for a builder at the moment and doing really well. Like yourself he is renting a room in the house of an elderly lady and helps her out with chores, driving and her wayward son 😆

He was impossible to manage on my own when he was in his teens and i eventually had to put him in Boys Town for almost a year cos i couldnt cope anymore on my own. None of my esteemed elder brothers offered to help. In fact Cyril doesnt like Trav at all, told him once not to come to his house and never gave a reason. Trav always treated Cyril with the utmost respect but the dead giveaway was that once or twice he called him ‘Neil’  i think either Trav is a lot like you or Cyril has alzheimers!


Trav was married once but it only lasted about 5 months as the beautiful lass preferred her girl friends. He was broken hearted.  But good and strong now and plenty chicks.   He became a Christian and did a lot of prison ministry.

Did you ever know Yolanda and Andre from around that area. She did fire chains and took in wayward peeps.


Neil: Saw Mrs Mike in Kensington In Durban North Once - held me breath & she walked right past me.  Even visited His Fathers Mother on her death bed Ya Norman & his big boy collected me from Prison 4 her funeral ( I returned the flavour) don't think he liked .


Last time I saw mum was in Hospital hitched there & back not all the way walked through South Broom Golf course when I was picked up ( the pervert went thro me pockets).


Cally: I remember you coming to Mom’s funeral, i was happy you had come. They obviously realised you needed to be there. Didnt remember Norman was there. Mike says that Mom tried to get back together with Norman while we were living in marina and he said no because he had already remarried and had Richard and they were happy

Do you also have other siblings from your father’s remarriage?


Neil: Yep me brother Mickey really is a sweetheart & Romantic .I spoke 2 me Mum about Norman & why she'd left so no that would never have happened. But Norman did buy Mickey his 1st Car


I also met his step ma Lena ?? She was a sweet mousey woman ya the boys would've walked right over her (Richards mum) but some one was having a romantic dream eh ( What about Old Chrome eh) he did me 1 favour didn't expect more. But he did change moms will 2 exclude me I never hated him 4 that  After Lena died Mickey expressed shock @ how Quickly his Pa remarried My ram has more but its pointless eh!.  Hows our Sissy doing eh?


Cally: I didnt know mom even had a will. Besides the one that was supposedly published in the local paper about her leaving her knickers to old Bushbuck as he had never managed to get into them??

Den is doing okay.  Working hard to survive and help the rest of her family who are not very hard workers. But her kids are really nice. Her Daughter Andrea has just got engaged to a preacher and very happy.


Den has bad rheumatoid arthritis and this affects her hands and feet mostly


Neil: When I first mr Anton I thought here b a go getter but me perception changed after I met his female cousy & Mather eh & decisions had been made & LOVE overcomes al. l In the Photo I received she looked slightly over weight But still a happy smile .How old is the photo


 Cally: Its quite a recent photo. But i think we have both put on weight. I put on a lot of weight when i gave up smoking and have been battling to get rid of it ever since.

Yeah Anton was a real charmer and go getter. But so manipulative. He hasnt always treated Den too well



Neil: Making hamburger wid  Mr Onion + frozen mixed. Veg- Well duñ  wid 🚬🚫I can always send more diagrams eh ( as if u need them ?) whatever❤️


Cally: I had hamburger for lunch 🍔. Was good  😋


Neil: 🆒baby girl 🤩what ya gonna do 4 dinna eh


Cally: I dont know. Im not really hungry. But might tuck into some left overs

Lekker slaap. 💕





Neil: tae ya  me dear


Cally: Morning to you too. 🌅. Those pics are beautiful


What you doing today, anything exciting?


Neil: Beach in a bit ( just get out the house)👠


Cally: Ah take me with you. Im so jealous. I need the beach badly. Send me some pics okay


Photo of neils beach


Cally: Ah me too. Thats beautiful. Im going to come and visit when i come to SA again. Just dont know when it will be though. ✈️


Neil: Yep the holy land & not so holy land full of holes especially pot holes


Pic of beach


Cally: That was funny 🦁 💩

The beach looks amazing. Did you swim?


Neil: No do early morning show u soon depends on the tides


Cally: Ok cool



Neil: Ya as we were saying God help & bless America🇺🇸🏁🏴‍☠️🏴

Top of the day tae yah lassie Are we bright eyed & bushy tail yet🍌☯️🚑🌹🌹🤩


Oui woke up thinking it b Monday - almost aurgued wid me phone 2 much of no thang b happening Sooo b having   a right & proper Sunday eh with a lazy afternoon & no mind tae worry eh 🍁🍂🌹🤣

Cally: Neil how is your health, do you have any problems or on any meds for anything?


Neil: I think the last time Had serious meds was +-2004 🐥pox A friend I was hanging with @ the time had a pair of 3 yr.old Twins. I tend 2 avoid

Pharmaceuticals even though the..GMT clinics give their service and products 4 free.

Yep I'm still a nicotine addict don't have a booze prob nor any other addictions When I can afford 2 I'll purchase a vitamin with the whole vit. B range in it.


Cally: Thats good to hear. It seems the rest of the family either have cancer (Cyril and Mike) or autoimmune problems (Den,  and I). But otherwise we are all still strong


Neil: Nice 2 know , what the dickens is Autoimmune  u are immune or not .


Cally: Well its when your body attacks itself because it thinks there are germs around and so it compromises your system. Den has rheumatoid arthritis quite badly,  has diabetes and Reynauds syndrome and i have a blood clotting problem so i have to take warfarin to prevent blood clots and apparently i have mild lupus which i think is bullshit because i only have flare ups of aching bones now and then.


Neil: 🏋️‍♀️🏊‍♀️yea I luv that strong attitude doesn't always involve b muscles eh I hate those steroid freaks Think they're Superman's couzie eh I'll send u sum gentle routines 🎿in the not 2 distant future Oui the test results (are they in) are u


Cally: Yip im okay test was negative yiha.


Neil: Blueberries and cream 🥃🦊🍁🍂☯️🤩🦢🌹

Yea I'm lactose intolerant but get off on the occasional Irish coffee + Apple pie & cream luv ya.💘✝️☮️🎠🎇👍😷🚼💤chat soon


Cally: Ok thats not too bad. Nothing wrong with black coffee and a wee dram ☕️🥃. Love you too. Sleep tight


Neil: Don't 4 the whipped cream eh ya every ting else b taken black,  g.nite  ma dearest. ☯️




Neil: Hi there yep me teeth did a N.s.w.e on me after I came back 2 natal I never had them pulled even tho @ the 🕰️I could afford it So I let them drop 1 @ a time while I was distracted by work.


Yep  I thrive under  the pressure of heavy work loads In Architecture practise u have just as much pressure but more leading Time - With the shoppfitting Hindi's and fitting into a sequence of events ie the pressure comes with penalties from 10 2 20thousand R. A day eh ie guy can't move in as the fitter is still fiddling with the cupboards eh So now u have 20 stories of 5 apartments per floor - my last assignment was 4 blocks of hostiptal ea. Block 4 stories high so on and on I'm kind of dying here .


the nothingness of Africa After the hospital block I did sum work For Sarah Mc Vicker an Architect / interior designer whom I worked closely with doing shop fitting So I did her working drawings 4 the shopfitters of a Banquet hall. The Q.S. put in a bill of 5 million eh - that turned into 25million as The Rand kept devaluing & The TV kept bullshiting the Rand getting stronger  So u c I'll b grey or dead soon anyway - haven't lost my sense of adventure yet If there was a way 2 get out of here I'd be gone I've always as an adult that is had strong work ethics And I'm please 2 c I'm not the only one.


I have visited Gey and I'm Truly impressed u put a lot of heart in there ( luv the art & writing) I used pinnacle to do a 30 min DvD on my computer capturing a lot of my work also used Google earth 2 visit site I've worked & downloaded the Jpegs into pinnacle - edited this lot and uploaded on 2 the internet 4 a year as a marketing tool ( never got 1 hit) The service providers kept informing me that the site was being constantly hacked & so I left it a that.  Your  turn ( have u reported 4 duty yet.)my favourite Libra.


Cally: It sounds like you’ve really had a busy career. Do you still have a site on google?  Would like to see if you do

So are you working on Something at the moment or just taking it easy

I only work three days a week so will be back at work tomorrow to do a lot of catch up. In the only one in my little department  so nobody helps out if im away


Neil: Sounds good, happy catching up with the new Dawn 🤩🤩🪐🌤️🌍🌺🌹🌷🌸🤣☯️👍


With respect to my career nice work if you can get it - Needs a healthy economic climate and its not government sheltered So ya B 4 the pandemic I even turned maid. Friend mine owned a holiday cottage +- 2 a week Greet new vacationers with a key & receipt book / collect key & clean up 🤣🤣🌺🪐☯️


Cally: Ah well done. You are versatile. Its important to be like that. As they say a boer maak a plan 🌸


Neil: Especially if you're not a Boer eh!

Here b typical of what SH1T I get from friendly Boers lakhar right🤣the only proper business is if u can refurbish rhurbarb the newly acquired properpty of a fresh retiree CEO from the Vaal  A proffesional I @ that we were saying nice work if u can get But as u know the boers have their own kabals


And even their river is drying up eh the brother from another mother or what


I put the internet site up in+- 2007-2008 I have all the disks including The TV DVD your turn - your Art I can already see is not strained but relaxed eh Tell me more


My Pics of family


Cally: I hope i havent boggled  your brain with all the pics 🤯. Was doing some work on my old laptop and found them. Thought you might find them interesting 🤔


Neil: Best bit of Art Work I've seen INA long while eh


It seems the peoples choice is final eh 💫🧐- The former and current President of S.A. were party selected - the public/nation had nun say ..So Top of the day tae ya Ms  (oui where did the🕰️go? wow 🤓☮️🤩🌹👍♥️




Cally: Morning sunshine. Back at work today. Chat later


Hi. At last back from work. Was so busy today but they at least gave me a helper today so not as hectic as i thought

How has your day been?  Do you still surf 🏄


 Neil: Ya 2 Presidents 4. The Party by the party in lue of yea 4 the people by the p. Democracy or what.


Cally: Are you talking about the ANC?  Has there just been an election, didnt hear about it?


Neil: Luv u To  me dear heart.So ya no golden years here 💸Yep if I want 2 bury myself I would have 2 look outside of SA.borders 4 funds We've spent Generation uplifting the majority whereby they're your neighbours -dress up & drive nice cars 2ya so u can see I Big job Market 4 guys like me here My Atlas printed in 2002 sites longevity of African males @ 49 so no time 2 loose

10/11/2020, 8:12:03 pm


Cally: Is there no way you could get here. Any grandparent that was born in UK?


Neil: Suma ousted Mebehki and Cyril ousted Suma (all in house) no public poles Oui I b apolitical but history unfolds facts


Cally: Thats for sure




 Neil: Chat in depth later mayby u have a score of pointers 4 me ⛩️ & yea tell me more

Cally: Good morning honey.

Gosh that clip is quite an eye opener 👀. Who would have thought!

Whts on your menu for today?  The beach 🏝

Im back at the salt mine grrr 😖


‎Neil: Hazards of the cell phone


Cally: Serves her right. I had a bloody school kid walk into me yesterday like that. Pity she never fell over 🤣

They never look where they are going so now i stand still and wait for them


‎ Neil: 2 day b  ☁️💨🌬️💦busy cleaning me phone miles & miles of rubbish no wonder she go slow


Cally: Lots of fond memories and lots of sad memories.

I remember twice asking Cyril on two serious occasions for help and both times he refused.  I can’t even imagine how you must feel  💔 😞



Neil: Never asked him 4 a bean thank God E just chirped about stuff That almost went over me head Got 2 luv him tho E once Told me Michael was ready 2 b taxed I knocked mickey & he came by ( paid him back in full eh)  t b continued 🧹🧹🤩👍☁️🧴🤣🦊☮️☯️🌹♥️🍾


Thing with the Wedding I'd just completed me National service was celebrating his good will @ a table with You when they both came over accused me of being drink & asked me 2 leave oh well decisions eh well me dear we won't loose any sleep/ or fall asleep ya so set your mind free eh honey bun 🍯🐰🥐🤣🤩🌹♥️😷


Cally: I remember that wedding well. I got really pissed and went home and vomited all over the car 🤮

I didnt know they had asked you to leave.


Neil: Dronk dronk yea well not 2 nite eh☮️👍✈️ Well they could have managed a bit of Warms I'll never forget his head had the glow of a chief Abbot monk rabbi but was that man glowing eh yea 1 over the top should b what a good guest does eh Haha


Cally: Sleep tight dont let the bugs 🐜 🐛 🕷 bite


Neil: Season of flying ants wasps spiders snakes So keep yourself cosy 🦊☮️🌹✈️👍♥️




Neil: & happy Woman's Day🌹♥️🥐👍How's your Waliby doing Bruce 🤩🌹

No thing better than a Happy Chappie hey 🤣🤩😷🦊


Cally: For sure.


Neil: Are u working to day  me dear Mr Cyril Ramaphosa gave his S.A family a TV addressing last nite hrs of course, the last sentence revealed that there would b no further restrictions and no restrictions on travel international or otherwise 🌹🌹🤣🤩😷


Cally: Oh yay!  So that means that early next year when prices are reasonable, i can come and visit without quarantine ✈️

Yip im working today. Dont feel like it. Ive been up coughing all night

Have a good day. Chat later alligator 🐊


Neil: Yah cute patatoe yah make me 🎶smile like a wee Crocodile oohs just itch 🎶hiked he🌹ear 🎶 from the Nile 🍯🐰🎶😷😷🌹👍🪑🎣


Cally: Ah little ole me. Where were you at that time of life, were you living in Durban?  How old were you when you came to Marina.


Neil: One more 🛌 then Friday b here ( hope u feel greeted hey )


Cally: I sure do.


Neil: 🆒There b Ⓜ️ore ? than 🤣🤣Answers ☮️✝️🕎☪️💟So we answere what we can & ask more Questions luv ya🦧🐎🐖


Cally: Yea sorry. Remember that song “there are more questions than answers, and the more i find out the less i know” 🎼🎸🎻




Cally: I have a long depressing weekend ahead if me with nothing to do. Going craZy 😜 over here 🤪🤩🤣😩😱🙄🤮🤯

Mike starting his own music site, still in the beginning stages

Hes been made redundant so he is trying other ways to make some money.  I think its easier in this country to make a bit of money if you dont have too many qualifications.


Neil: A smooth Transition I dream of eh Straight out the fire into the pan


Cally: Yeah something like that 🦸‍♂️😈🤣😇


Neil: SH¹T not even 10 & in bed wid meself seems t.b. the norm here whereas in the Cape SummerTime 8.30 pm people still having Sundowners on the beach still basking in a daylight glow luv chat a lot more eh🪐☄️

Cally: Yeah here its already dark by 4pm but in summer sundown is closer to 10pm




Neil: That's extreme eh the pommies are always confused as 2 whether they're partaking of Tea or Supper ya Dinner goes in there sum place, so now u b the fundi 🤣🤣🌍🪐🔥🐑🌹💟


Cally: Gmorning. Its really cold here today and pissin down with rain. Really miserable

 Im still sitting in my bed watching the rain run down the window pane trying to decide what to do with the day.

Does Andy communicate with you quite regularly?

Sorry i dont really communicate much. Been living on my own for so many years and not really used to talking much. Keep my own counsel

Hope you had a good day 😊🐳🐈‍⬛🐜🐶

‎pic of beach


Cally: Ah the beach looks so nice. Brings tears to my eyes 👀. Just seeing the blue sea and people in the beach 🏖. Good times



Neil: Looks 2 b a honey eh whatever happened 2 Ms Bev ( the only time e ever wrote  it was full of his undying luv & commitment ) So I hope there's more than undying luv init this time eh 🌹💍🎓👒👍👍🤩💦🌂🆒


Oui my mantra only boring people get bored eh No thang wrong with being a soul survivor ( of what tho ? The human race ? Depression b a by product of low self esteem of witch u don't qualify besides the fact I've an open heart that luvs u eh🦔🦡🦝🐿️🦊🐰all Beatrix Potter's palls 💟🔥🌹🎶 chat later ya I Listened so take cheer 💋💋




Sh1T sort of surfaced b 4 the sparrows this morning ( Battery was 2% ) so no sunrise pic .Any that pic I sent there's this old man with a green spectacle case in his Top pocket , so if 1has the misfortune of being in a que widhim e tells of the Cancer killing im. Oui 4 the last 24 months at least. So getting back 2 Mr Cyril


The last 2 times down the coast with y'all Ya the boy was all surly like  sanctimonious if u will aloof whatever - not the original Cyril. So the one season I headed down the Coast with a partner. We camped out with Jonathan Joff & his Mrs e also had 2 wee lads I didn't bother seeing Cyril - pointless effort.

 Ya young Cyril once gave me this skiet about himself moving up in the world about buying property in St. Michaels e seemed 2 forget What a boost Mumsie gave his economics with all her connections. So I've never had ill feelings towards him at all never mind groverling 4 any of his attentions. He also had that little Nazi cohort down in Port Edward who I couldn't stand so there we b dust 2 dust & ash 2 ash


Cally:  Gosh i didnt realise you still saw kenny Mathews. Who else do you still see from way back then?

So Mrs Beverley was having an affair with one of her colleagues, funnily enough also called Mike 😄. So they got divorced and he was heart broken. She left the kids with him as well. But they were all in high school by then so not a big deal. He then met Philippa at some club in Durban and they hit it off. She has a son and a daughter about the same age as Mikes kids.


The last time Den and i were in Ramsgate we saw Joffs wife Sharon and had a really good chat and catch up. Do you ever see him



Neil: Don't think Joff b here nun more It would b a blast seeing him When I first arrived several yes ago saw his mums name in the Directory. you're up at last


Cally:  Im sure Sharon and Joff were living somewhere between sheppie and uvongo

I can try find out if you like


Neil: 90% of life guards are rather very dark these day eh Birdies name b Dirk Grants bird  sipped a bit of wine with them This morning no restriction They ordered another 5 Lt & then I left Grants 62 & his girlfriend turned 40 this year 🤩

Ya if J&S are here would b nice 🎶🎶🎵🌹🆒


Cally : Will try and find out for you

It looks like they are living at back of ramsgate

I remember Cyril’s surly sanctimonious look. Its the same look he gives my son whenever he sees him 🤣🤣🤣


Neil: My dads mum when I queried her, said she came out with er parents at age 12 - after she'd passed I spoke 2 her daughter she disagreed & said the lady had been born here. So that still has 2 covered .What other criteria would a 66yr old need 2 stash imself in bonnie England besides a mega wad of crown eh! All thats left 4 me 2 do is make that mega wad eh anything else?

Yah a miserable 28000000 Ranjies would do eh🎩🐰🌹

Cally : Not sure will have to think on it. Do you have any birth or death details of the granny.


Neil: I'm sure home Affairs have the whole balliwack  Grant got so bad is Couzie gave him a 2 month rent free shop from a property couzie managers .So now Grant & his girlie sell sweeties in Sheppie. All these astounding success stories eh 😅🤩🌹

Yea I'm not sure my eyes believed what they were seeing eh 🦊💟🎶

Cally : You could get here if you could get an ancestral visa; special skills; asylum seeker or if you married someone with a EU or UK passport


Neil: 4 options not 2 shabby eh ! u would still have 2 come in with a load of 👑 or what ?

So what on dickens head have u been not up 2 today eh! personally I've been a bit lethargic this fine overcast day 🙃😎


Cally : For settlement purposes you would need to prove you can get a job and have enough funds to support yourself for three months.

It was a lovely morning earlier. Now the rain is falling again. Haven’t done much except house work and some ironing.


Neil: Peanut butter 4 lunch left over's on toast for dinner hi light being a wee dram to look forward 2👍👍🌹💨💨💨🥪🥃🍵


Cally : I bought a bottle of vodka exactly a year ago and stull sitting in my cupboard. But i do have a dram from time to time if i have company


Neil: We are on the 4 series of Casa de papal - like Historical fact based genre woven into a fine tale. Yea prefer beer meself Scotch🥃 throughout my life was a special occasion ting  now its cheaper than 🍺but 2 date take or leave it Classed as A luxury item anyhows 🍌do u think this ou🎅🏻will make it this year - ( Pagan celebration) the church helped themselves to eh🧚‍♂️🧞‍♀️Germatic. Influence with flying reindeer 🤣🤣😎🤓🙃


Cally : Yea i think 🎄 is out the window this year. Thank heavens its just become too commercialised ans expensive. 

Ive been watching a turkish series called Ethos. Its quite interesting and gives a bit insight into other ways of life mostly suppression etc


Neil: Yea the Otterman empire bunch of clowns they were too as u can imagine a ruler with 5 wife's the wives knocking off ea other sons 4 the legacy Sons being locked up in palaces with harems to prevent the aforementioned - released sum place in their fifties if they made when the ruler died eh . These guys most of them were stark raving mad by the time it became their turn Turkish history 101 eh I only discovered how exciting history actually is yrs . after high school & their Piet Retief dog poodle I really Admire The U S of A good Sh1t🆒🦊🎵🎩👑🎶🧚‍♂️🥃🎅🏻🙃🐿️

Always the Big Question b -- ooh wrote & recorded it The Romans had Latin most of Europe no thing The Druids developed their letters found all over Europe & the Bonnie Isle's yea an the Chinese wearing silks whilst the rest of mankind mostly in skins eh( luv it )😅💨💨🧚‍♂️🌹🎶Reporting 4 duty 2 morrow are we 😷🥁🧴📊👍


Cally : Nope i don’t work Mondays yiha.  I only work three days a week


Neil: Three days a week seems easy time, I know Gemma's family work time got reduced gradually. She's a lazy bum.  When we were retrenched Dutch gave her a housewives allowance which turned out t b more than the state pension she gets now.  Oui are you fit do a Lot of walking gym whatever ?? Eh yea its easy 2 let go but harder 2 get back up as u get older. So regular gentle works outs are a + Swimmings  best.  luv ya.    Dad used to tell me how they broke ice to go swimming in winter (crazy) 🌜🪐💫

Cally: Crazy but apparently really good for your health. Have

you heard of a dutch guy called Vim Hof. Google him. He’s amazing




Neil: Top of the day tae luv🌹🌹🎶🌍🤩😷🎵


Cally : I dont go to gym or anything. Just walk to work and back three times a week.  Sometimes go for walks on the weekend.

Was all set to go to a latin american dance group with daughter Sam but lockdown came so havent been able to go yet

Did i tell you that i did a parachute 🪂 jump once. Was frightening but thought it would be a fun thing to do at the age of 40 and help me to get over my fear of heights. Didnt work though.


Neil: Luv luv luv 🎶 that's all we need + a humungus🎒 bag of tricks eh 🌂🥽🎩

Neil painting


Cally: I ❤️ your colourful abstract. Did you do that today?

Is that a recent project that you are working on?


Neil: Yep 45 mins👍🥮🤣🤩🌹


Cally:I love the colours

I started something this morning but abandoned it cos i ran out of white paint




Neil:  me dear was watching another episode of LA casa de papal The historical tings get me if the Author has but even half a soul - If you haven't watched Mary Queen of Scotts I give er a full 5 ✨⭐.

Yea I got frustrated looking 4 my log book .told sum monkey stole me Honda Ballard & took 36months 2 put 150000km on the odometer


Ya thats like driving to South West Africa every month for 36 months there and back from here f#@%*ing devine breed So I legalised the car again new engine block now& all looking 4 those docs that I doodled me hole in the wall apt title eh ya its a fun - stress release.


Building plan


The LA Vista thing I did through a property management group. Sum time back - Got commissioned 2 survey their whole site 72 units sketch just a by product projects are 2 few and far apart 2 make any profit So dying slowly from the no thing ness. I think people come here 2 die in retirement or else they’re retards.


Anyway 4 u the Eight equals .The maximum being u can't work at a so called master piece so don't b scared just as much fun scrunching the paper up afterwards eh as new ideas set in🆒🏴‍☠️

Cally : I also feel like im dying from the nothingness of my life. With this lock down and all the self isolating going on, i dont really get to see anyone.

Ive lost a bit of enthusiasm for life. No doubt it will come back when the sun shines a bit

So do you still have your car?  I keep thinking i should get a car and take myaelf away for a weekend now and then. But the cost for insurance etc makes it too expensive and i can just as easily catch a train to almost anywhere 🚂 🚌 ✈️ 🚣‍♀️



Cally: How are you this morning, all bright eyed and buzzing 🐝 to start the day ☀️

Cally : Ah that what i need at my place

Andy was worried about you cos he hadnt heard from you all day. Made me laugh cos he often makes me wait weeks and months before replying to any of my bloody messages


Neil: What's up 🍯🐇running out of tings 2 do eh In the old pioneering days the Trappers got snowed in up the mountains eh Hence ya old Cabin Fever from what you're telling me the stories I've heard b True About the retirery ooh bought a high end car , went back 2 work 2 pay the insurances eh ( not 2 many trustee partners out there 2 share with either eh Luv ya🦇🐸🐰😷🤡


Cally : Yeah no partners to share anything with 🥸🤪


Neil: If I could find me old witches 🧹 But u know E Africa if it not b bolted down in concrete she b gone everything disappears - unlike western magic where they've learnt 2 make it reappear eh Ya hard 2 even find your motivation here - that loving motivation I suspect the Zulu have been stealing away with mine like ants on a mission eh Like the man said 🎶What is yor motivatation🎶your loving motivation u got 2 keep look looking 2 find your -----*🆒🍯🐰🧹🤡💘🎶

Neil: In Africa when u ask for a🤡🤣🤣🎶 tire to be blown up they take u seriously ☯️☮️


Cally: Shit thats hectic


So did Andy get hold if you today?


SAZim shop pic


Neil: Jen sent a whats app this morning aid a picture of cuddle bug Ruby  Does SAZIM do a bit of trading then SA ZIM  sounds Arabic when u knock them 2 gether Maybe the guys polish eh🤣🤣🤣🐇🤡☯️😷


Cally: Yea they just started selling polish stuff as well

I normally buy wors and biltong and rusks from there


Neil: Thats lakhar your corner convenience  store lor🆒🌹🎶weird having sausage & last nites leftovers 4️supper🍽️getting to the very left over's part on the month . I try & cook for 2 -3 day at a time saves time less dishes. Are u at work 2 morrow finished the series (money heist) Enjoyed most of the Spanish movies Ive watched.2 date🤩😎⭐😷👍🌹🎶




To day before the thunder storm🌨️🌹🎶


Cally: Ive also just been eating left overs lately

I enjoy watching spanish movies. In tired of pommy shit movies. I don t enjoy their humour.


Thats beautiful. Almost looks like a painting

Its just started pissing down with rain here. As im about to walk home ☔️


Neil: From work or shoppings 📊🍌🥭🍍🍇luv ya so kuock your brolly up👍🌂☔

Chat later💦


Cally: Okey dokey


Neil: Hi there's this couple Shirley she's 71 & Derrick  they have a 24 yr.old son with Downs syndrome Any she sent this clip as well --- moral of the story IS keep your keys on a Lanyard around your Neck 🤩

‎‎video omitted

Neil: Well isne it great 2 have your own space eh - no distractions and the like - heating expensive or what 🧹if I fine her I'd b keeping u company in no time All I have left 2 do in life now is make a Big bit of Money - luv ya🌹☔💦⚓🚼


Cally: That would be great 👍. I keep hoping i might win the lottery. Will let you know if i do. Will send you a ticket 🎫


Neil: I'll keep doing deep breathing exercises in the meantime its all Sooo possible I play 1 line with bonus a week 🤡🤩💰💰💰💸⚖️🔮


Cally: Thats good you never know. ✈️ 🏝


Neil: Don't loose your dream eh 🛵🎠nite😴


Cally: Night night





Neil: New day 🆕way have a blessed good 1️🌤️🤓🌹😷

Cally: Have a good day. ‎19/11/2020, 8:02:26 am

My beautiful granddaughter - Thuli                                    


‎‎image omitted


My grandson Mo


Neil: Ooh yea how you b doing me honey🥐looks like those might disolve INA wash machine or what (admire the their team work eh) through the eyes of a child eh love it luv them


Y/day hail in Pmb 🙈


Cally: Glad im not in pmb today. Might knock some sense into me though 😂


Neil: Thuli not impressed wid er gruel eh.What b Ashleigh's hubbyman besides Muslim - hope Ashleigh happy & stay apply eh lovely babes 👍🤩🌹😷⛵


Cally : Her hubby is french-morrocan. Black father and white french mother. His name is youness


‎‎image omitted


Cally: I love that!  Can you draw a bicycle? 🚲. Ive been battling to draw one

Thanks for the compliment 🙏




Neil: What's up with the bike⁉️ 1 main triangle split in 2 by the saddle post 🚲luv ya

Neil bicycle sketch


Neil: There are still male & female bikes - (they lowered. The top bar 4 the ladies (but sort of victorian) more unisex now✌️🚲👍

Oh dear Top 🎩of the dae tae ya me Darlings &Greetings from the Mayoress & her daughter of our frenetic jungle community off the S.E.African Coast


Neil: Well it's still morning & Friday to 👢boot🤣


Cally : Good morning to you too 🌞

I like the way you have done the bicycle 🚲. Its much easier when you simplify it, i always put too much detail  into stuff instead of keeping it simple.

Had a bad night last night last night. Just couldn’t get to sleep 😴. Was out looking at the stars at 3am. When i first came to the UK i used to be outside all the time looking at the stars and missing the southern cross. You can see Orion’s belt here which surprised me but at least it was something familiar


Momo red chopper bicycle


Cally : My little kiddies have a bike like the red one. Too cool


Neil: Sh1t can't even afford a skate board these days - I simply hate poverty and the cause of it ( Has 2 b remedied eh)🛹


Cally: I tried riding a skateboard the other day. Not easy. Too bad we get old so quickly


Neil: Marshall arts My Teachers Mantra ( you have no excuse for losing your youths elasticity)🆒 🥋⛷️🤸‍♀️🏂🛹only ting being ,we not got rubber bones 💟💟☮️☯️🛵🚲🛴


Cally : It feels like ive just woken up and its already pitch black outside. Day is done gone the sun 🌞 🌙


Neil: 🌞sun up 🌑sun down 🌍🌝🌹🪐🪐🤣Don't slow down 4 nun bodies


Cally : I know. Cant wait for summer surf 🏄‍♀️ 🏖

Here’s a song for you… Baba Hanuman by Krishna Das



Neil: Journalist/ song writer has currently released a song called " don't let the old man in "based on an interview he had with a very active CLiNT EastWood (track your song in a bit🌹🌹🪐🎶


Cally : Im listening to it now. By Willie Nelson. There are different versions of it. Which one are you referring to?


Thought i would tell you all the places ive lived. Restless gypsy perhaps

Marina, Durban, Pmburg, Johannesburg, Kidds Beach near East London, Hilton, Midmar, uk, Margate, Palm Beach where i built my little house, uk, Ramsgate, Port Edward and finally back to the uk.

Places ive been on holiday since ive been here - Wales, Spain, Egypt and Greece. With a couple of trips back to SA.   Wales is damp and rainy just like the uk of course but reminded me a lot of natal with the rolling green hills

And spain and Egypt and Greece had the same type of flora as SA. Bouganvilla and palm trees and fruit trees. Hot weather, warm oceans and cicadas. And lots of goats in egypt. And the sound of the call to prayer in Egypt was evocative and ethereal. I remember the minaret in sheppie on a friday calling the Muslims to prayer.  Made me feel more at home than church bells somehow.




Neil: Most impressive I've never Been outside this country’s borders except Namibia S.W.  I've been all over in my head even as a kid luved geography I've know a woman or two who went over as care givers and have since travelled the world Even dated a English Architect I've never had sheltered employment so have lived through one contact @ a time - build your reserves up , Then watch them dwindle I wanted 2 leave in the 70s when I 1st living in the Cape after working the mines ha but kept getting assured things would work here Started Architecture & stopped thinking the outside world -go 2 work in the dark get back in the dark As long as you're earning (now the sunshine b very expensive ) money worth nothing & no work ,Even now there no way you can live on a state old age welfare check & Had this country in spades. Its a big bone yard ( I luv that you've been exploring and have a sense of adventure 30 yrs In the Cape and I would never miss A 4am call 2 prayer in the end u just tuned out🌍🚲✈️


Not much into folk & Country music 🎶but have buds who are All I know a Willie Boy - like a lot of others went back 2 work 2 pay back taxes But ya says it all don't let that bastard in Bass Ted Dinged my back in the early eighties and know well the feeling of shuffling around like a cripple 90s+ person


Ya Clint and the oldMan🆒c u sent a spotifie link- Tubity gives a what's app share But because I down load 4 free & play music without the WiFi I get unwanted gambling/ sex and what not links . and if u switch the ads off u get no thang ( Three dog night ) played good music back then favourite ( Moma told me not 2 come) think that's the title - a and ( Lady Samantha) give them a twirl 💖☯️☮️🕎☪️✝️


‎trolly braai  pic



Cally : H braai trolley. You could push that down to the carwash on a saturday for lunch


Neil: Carwash happening 🎶🎶🥁🎸🎼@ the moment we are @ the beach - never advertised this time & same old crowd 🎤🧹💖🌹🎶


Cally: Ah i wish i was there. Sounds like fun. Send some pics


Neil: Shortest track I could find of Krishna das over 13 mins - retro spiritual group I luv is Gong but u need to fish🎣🎣 around & find a track u like 🎱🌹🎶🎸😷


Biological Radio - Steve Hillage🐝🐝💖🌹😷


Cally: I like Steve hillage. Biol radio a bit different.   The drumming in Krishna Das is really so much to my liking 😊 🪘. I rhink its a tabla drum


Neil: Guy has a voice Mr Das musi uninspiring but very meditative ( there's a Hindi group that plays  (Take5) & 4 the Ist time really listened 2 a Sitar 🆒🎶

Cally : I think its the meditative aspect and the drums that appeal to me. Life is hectic sometimes and its nice to lie back and meditate for a bit

I went to a gig on the coast once where a hare krishna group were performing and i really enjoyed it so much.  It was at the peace sanctuary in melville near hibberdene.


Im glad you have live entertainment over there.  Den and i will have to come and check it out next time i come home


Neil: Yes In the mid 70s they would walk in streets with their cymbals & tom toms I find I lean more ,2 the Satsangi and Baba Gee ? As a religion  (Budda) Christians used Christ as a guru to address god ( At times I don't see the need 4 a guru) The guru always promises 2 be there as a guide when u pass & the soul leaves the body curious or what (luv ya)💖🌹🐝

So pleased you're chatting with Den




Neil: George Harrison ( My sweet lord) all time favourite🕌⛩️🌠


Well u must of heard about Juliuos Malena&party eh sum whites were throwing a partie 4 their grade 12 kids they 4 got 2 invite sum kids of colour & so what a Grand opportunity   2 grand stand I mentioned being apolitical same as asexual ( here b a really cheap clip from me Afrikaans friends


 Doesn't Demise fill u in ( All hype anyway luv ya


Cally : Malema and his gang. He needs a bullet


Neil: " The undercover Dutchman"(Facebook)-Cornelius van. Aswegen.   What's app - 0845493462.

Happily married with 3 Kids. 👘👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👦🎱💖🐝🌹👁️‍🗨️🎸


Cally: Ah thats good to hear. Was he at the gig yesterday?  Will pass the info on to Ash


Neil: That sound bite I sent may / may not b him - u should be able to pick up a 🎶bite on his Facebook addr.🎤🌠🧹🌹😷


Nice and strong or what ? Almost a bucket list  that needs listing🐸🐾🤡🌠🧹🥃💖😷


Cally : I wish i knew what my purpose in life was????

What do you think yours is?

. I hope youve had a good sunday chillin 😎

Neil: Hi Ms  yea 1 day much the same as any other when 1 just seems 2 be marking time I've had I homosexual busy older than me he tried living a normal life 2 kids in Australia and A wife who loved him 2 bits E Managed a Hotel.  Said a Circus Clown seduced him as a kid .Oui Billy de Klerk died of aids in the end , must have been in his early 50s But a lot of fun 2 b with I generally avoid Chutney tube pirates they can b more neurotic than most females So cool


Cally : You’re right about that. Ive met a few. Also a few really nice gay guys. Most gay females are fine just the heavy dykes annoy me, especially the Afrikaans ones. And why they have to get soo fat i have no idea. Nobody in their right mind wants a big fat chick whether you’re gay or straight.


You too. I do have a plan as well but as you say it requires money.




Neil: Ya in the Cape c their adds in the papers eh,(nofatfems) Just doesn't do nun things 4 me - the same sex ting kiddie fiddling seems t.b the rage , just breaks ones heart eh No thing smells as sweet as an ovulating pussy 🐈 sleep well


They've just opened a lesbians ladies bar in seapark hear it quiet chill but not on me bucket list Wouldn't mind running,/ owning a bar Most times they're good cash cows💤💤💭🐈


Here b a lovely tail eh A family in New York ordered a Christmas Tree🌲that arrived in a box --- along with a Northern saw owl 🦉she has since been rehabilitated & sent back 2 woods 🤩😎🤣🌹🎶🐝

Cally : Wow ita amazing that the owl 🦉 survived through the ordeal.


The only thing about owning a bar is the number of “friends” you have that owe you money


Neil: Yea I can &👁️‍🗨️you've been out & about lovley🌹most of Mon date eh I've seen all those homeless people in the shady streets of London scary bit o business if u ask me eh .Get ya👢👢s off & settle down 😁🎶🎶🎵😷yea get the mask off as well 🌹🌹💖🧶🤩


Cally : Hi. Sorry ive been sulking all day cos my frikking computer wont work. The battery keep going flat and it doesn’t want to charge when i plug it in again. So have to watch movies on my bloody phone. Eish. The cost of technology is atrocious 😂

Back to the grind stone tomorrow. Will take my tablet to work and see if our IT guy can sort it out




This woman is quite amusing


Neil: Ha ha a braaipie ne luvley a good sulk was it yep me fist PC was purpose made from varsity specs 4 AutoCAD - now a little laptop costs about 20 grand 2 do the same work should have taken the companies 1 as it was attached 2 me 24/7 anyway it was a Russian cheapie and slow had 2 keep it plugged in at most times it gave 3hrs max

There I b thinking u at work. Or out sum place enjoy🦊🐸🤩🎶🍌🌹😷



Cally : Mornin 🌞

I only managed to get about two hours sleep last night so tired 😴. Woken up to a cold pink sky and Now im off to work. Have a good day


bunny chow pic


‎ Neil: When last did ya c 1 of these ting


Cally : I looove 💕 bunny chow. I actually found a SA couple in Oxford who have a little restaurant in their home.  And I organised for a few of us to go and we all had bunny. But the bread wasnt the same so nOt as nice as Durban bunny.  The place is called Durban Spice


Cally : I cant even remember when i last had a braai.  Must have been last year


Neil: So Ms  have rendered your Bicycle 2 canvas yet ? ( sulk more exciting eh !)The Magazine is dated June 1973 price 60c 🤩That 🚲 was the hottest. Thang to hit the Market 4 the next decade " techni 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️


Cally : Ja sulking was more exciting 🤣🤣🤣

I did finish one of my paintings though 🧑‍🎨

I just wanted to sketch the bike so will give it a try doing  it your way

Neil: Yep bicycles make your saddle bum sore as well 🤩🚲🐷🌹🎵😝😷🦉


Cally: Thats what happens when you stick you bum in the pigs face 🐽


Neil: Ha ha 🎵  hha ha💖🤩

My bike sketch


Cally:  What do you think 😊




Neil: Surreal custom built designer bike 💖💖🚴‍♀️I luv er.🤩👍

Reality of peddal power is 2 get up stand up and really push your peddles eh I mentioned the saddle post. 🤔me b thinking what a magic and layer back ride your bike would give


Neil second bicycle pic


Cally : You are so good. I cant draw people!  You’ve June Done a hint of a person yet its perfect


Neil: If you go back 2 the ball lady playing with Her Eight balls it becomes easy as pie . But I thank u me dear - you're not 2 shabbie yourself 🌹🎨so don't stop 🍯🐻🤓

Cally: No they didnt teach us anything. We had mrs Rochford and she didnt teach. And really only gave the rich kids any attention


What pens are you using


Neil: Head still 1 8th of the whole 🎨🍯🐻🚴‍♀️🍌🤩🌹🎶


What I sent was a finger drawing on the phone 👆✒️🖋️🖊️🖍️🖌️✏️🤡


Cally: What phone have you got and what app is it?


Neil: Come 2 Think of it Margate primary wasnae 2 much on Art Sheppie high much better Yah I was talking the Catholic primary I attended ✒️✏️🖍️🖌️🎨🤔🎶🤡


Its a Chinese knock off that calls itself a Samsung Galaxy mega gt*#%+  whatever and it has a little paintbox in it gallery where the photos end up u can't Photoshop any Thang though but does its job as a communicated eh  (what's 4 dinner eh sum ting appetizing me hopes🍌☎️💨🎈🏮🌹🐻🤡🎶🐟🐠🌮🥘


C here communicater it keeps F*%+# when you're not looking 🤣🏮🏮🈹🈵㊙️same ta ya wid da knobs me b telling er Zen☮️


Wid becomes aid, wide & all sorts 🏴‍☠️that what she b.🏮🐻🌹🤡


Cally : Okay. Ive got. Samsung tablet Thats  what doesnt want to work. Hope yours lasts longer than mine.

I havent done much on paint before but i think Den is good at it


Having 🐟 and 🍟 for dins tonight


Neil: Oui that's so cool ( butter) costs +- R 60. 4 .500 g That 60c mag = R45. 🍌🤡🌹🐻🏴‍☠️🥑avos fall off the trees muntu sell it 4 R20 4 four pick and pays price 4


1.I don't eat chicken but luv fish 🥨


Cally : I really miss the avocados 🥑


Neil: Yep there b smart phones & wanna b smart phones ☎️💨🎈🏮🐟🍌🥑🥨🏴‍☠️🌹🐻🤡


Photo of den and I at endless horizons




Neil: That was was really far out🤡🎣you really miss it so much & Denise looks so Happy & you b hilarity itself 🤣 so cool 🎶🐻💖🐟🐈🌹


Have🏮🤣u been experiencing hot🔥 flushes me dear ? Or are those 💨greyish & fading memories as well🎐☢️nun toxic ✝️☮️💟eh Luv u warts & all. I really like the pose u took with Travis on his wedding day. And the Granny glasses - da eyes are so alive


yea hold on 2 those taste buds eh 🌷🦋☮️💟


Cally: Im glad tou enjoyed those snippets 😊 🎥. Yea ive been having hot flushes for ten years now 🥵😤

Denise always looks happy and serene but i dont think its always so happy.


Neil: Didnae you enjoy the great mumsie eh nun flushes there🔥🤔 eh This guys empathy ruined his socks or what 🌹🤡 .me thinks 10 years b a righteous. Long 10 me darling. oui maby Den b good with a full deck ♦️♠️♥️♣️🐰🎶☮️💟

Cally : Yeah mom died far too young. Im already so much older than she was. I wish she could have stuck around to give me advice on men 🤣🤣. I wouldn’t  have stayed married to an abuser for so long. She would have told me to hit the road.

She could have given Den some good advice too., never mind standing up for you a bit better. We always thought the old man would go first so it was quite a shock when she passed. But life goes on eh


‎Ive never been to Cape Town always wanted to go there. Nearly moved down there when my daughter worked in blouberg. One day maybe

Ok old man 👴🏼 sleep well 😴 dont let the bugs bite




Pic of neils garden


‎Cally : Morning. Is that your garden? 🪴. It’s raining and grey here today


Neil: Haven't tried that stuff yet (Viaga) As a real estate agent once confided in me that she had never paid 4 sex & that she now had a running account with the pharmacy 4 er current lover ☮️


Cally: Haha so she was paying for it anyway. Yea if you have a bad heart dont try it 💔🤪


Neil: Yep our Mumsie was a real Princess eh. I've er  seen death certificate, and know her mind had already become a bit addled near the end .She had taken a boat cruise +- 2 yrs . b 4 so I doubt that was it. So u c what

I mean Like Mr Cyril taking us 2 a driveIn and dropping er off elsewhere and God No's where/what else. Its like my whole World fell apart I had work so hard getting back 2 er ( ya we had fights ) As I wanted 2 know what my Father meant when e said she had sold me back 2 im . But as I said he really was an ass hiding under his mothers skirts .I don't think her First 3 boys suffered her loss as much as we did eh So she was far 2 young I love you dearly .( How young is Cyril anyway & is he still palled up wid Kurt his Nazi buddy sshew!


Cally : No he isn’t friends with Kurt anymore. Kurt screwed around on his wife Gill and that’s when Cyril saw the light about him. kurt lives somewhere in the Tvl now.

I remember mom and cyril standing by his cottage one day examining a dube plant 🌱 and talking about how you were smoking it and he was trying to convince her that it was your plant.

When i talk to Mike he acts like he suffered the most having to go to 12 different schools etc.

Cyril is about 75 now i think. Mike is 71 so i assume he is somewhere there with Neville in the middle


Neil: Mr goodie two shoes eh - like its not a weed & there were never Africans around is ous & it probably was mine not cultivated though I wonder what e thinks about it being legal 2 grow in your SA garden these days I never had I ill complaint never mind ill That I took 2 Audrey so the little back stabbing Baas Teds & Mickey taking up a whole 25 yrs of her life & still trying 2 play victim shame poor baba keep cool & stay warm eh Mickey was supposed 2 spend a holiday with me @ my fathers place as they were strangers 2 me but he cried so much , that they sent him home leaving me on my own - ya kiddies are not quiet idiots eh


Neil: I hope you're getting 2 soak every bit of ☀️ you can 🪑🤣 eh ♥️💖🎵👻🧹🤡🦋No Joke b that vitiman d🥁☀️🧹🦋🐰🤡


Cally: There aint no sunshine 🌞 in the frozen north unfortunately. Plenty ice cold ❄️ wind and 🌧 ☔️


Neil: Oui Just saw a snippet of news were your government is set 2 dole out tons ☀️of vitiman d in the land of frozen👻 wind & 👢snow luv you many Much.   song goes There ain't no Sunshine when she's gone &she's always🎶gone too long💝


Cally: Thats the exact song i was singing when i sent the message. We’re on the same wave length 😃

I hope they are going to give me some vit D i think i need it


Neil: Luv ya🌹🎶🤡💝👻🪐


Cally: Luv ya too 🎄🌞☔️🌱🐎🐈



Cally : Thats what the muslims believe as well. God first then your mother

Neil: Yep enough Muslim fathers have had their daughters murdered 4 me 2 believe otherwise the Hindi in turn believes that Mothers come 🐝4 God , Teacher & Father .The American Indians only owned their bodies all else were impermanent gifts (cool) or what 💖🔥🌹☮️🎶🎵


American Indians

Some philosophies

So real and so true

OMW you hit it -wow such memories 😁

Cally : Hey i will be at home tomorrow

Was the book good?  I havent read in ages


Neil: Very well researched no thing the government would b proud of But they got their colonies populated Oui I'm so proud of you U have no 👁️‍🗨️dear eh  as well mastered up smartly .And Den really super glued her marriage 2  gether Kissing the night away now luv ya


Cally: Love you too sleep tight. Im super proud of you that you managed to soldier on through all the shit that came your way.





Cally: Hi. How has your day been? I’ve just been relaxing and waiting for a technician to come and sort out leaking radiators.

My son in law managed to get my computer up and running. Turns out it was just a couple of dud chargers. Even the new one was faulty.

Im busy doing a painting for one of my kids for christmas.


Neil: Whatching oo wants t b a millionair ,💎💰theyer giving £s away 4 no fink I've got up 2 £64000. Thrice already . Current 🤔chappie needed a life line 2 know witch 🧹sport the Davis Cup b associated wid Dom or what? So Glad u got all your cyber⌨️ tools sorted I know I dropped me Nokia in the jazz🎺 once & found meself morning couldn't replace my computer tho 🏺🔭🌜


Cally : Would be nice if you could win the millions 💰


Neil: Ya British production with Tony Clarkson as host u should Try & get on eh🧹👻🎵💖🪐🔭

Same guy is on £250000lets 👁️‍🗨️👻oui he took £125000.haha ☮️🚲so🆒


Cally: That would be enough for me. So coo🆒 cool

Its been a long time since i heard anyone call a toilet 🚽 a jazz 😊


Neil: The correct Welsh is lavatory (Toilet b French includes bath shower lab.& bidet. the americans bathroom Afrikaners ?& Dutch = ? Water closet - Alice's palace curious or what🤣☮️💖


Neil: Owls must think I'm dilly

Last but not least the debt depo🚽👻🆒☮️🤣💖🌹


Cally: Yea me thinks the owls 🦉 definitely think you’re crazy. Check how theyre looking at you 🦉 🦉 👀


Neil: 🎺🎺🥁🎷🦉😁👻🌹🆒its those musical notes or what


Cally: Sleep tight 😴 xx


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